KPC to petition before NHRC

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Mar 8: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) while expressing concern over the lukewarm response of present NDA Government at the Centre towards the migrants problems said that it will approach the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on March 24 and appraise it that both State and Union Governments have failed in providing justice and redressing the vital issues of the internally displaced KPs.
KPC, which met here today under the chairmanship of its president Kundan Kashmiri also criticized the decision of Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed for the release of Masrat Aalam a mastermind of 2010 unrest in Kashmir.
It while lambasting the Government said that notwithstanding claims of Union Government of holding dialogue with Kashmiri Pandits for their meaningful rehabilitation in the Valley, no headway has been made in redressing the problems of the displaced Pandits during last nine months of NDA Government led by Narendra Modi.
The present Union Government failed to take any concrete steps in settling the long standing problems of displaced Pandits putting up in refugee camps as well as in non-camps at Jammu, Delhi and other parts of the country.
Even the implementation of much talked about the PM’s employment package of 6000 jobs announced in 2007 by the then Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh is going on at snail’s pace as out of 6000 jobs, recruitment process was started only for 3000 jobs in the first phase and till date only 1500 displaced youth have been given jobs in last eight years.
It said Modi Government is also not concerned over the issue of these hapless people who have been forced to flee from the Valley and what can be more callousness of the BJP that the community who was given a representation in every Cabinet in the State right from 1947 has been ignored by BJP which did not consider of inducting any member of the community in the Council of Ministers following the policy of Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad and NC chief, Omar Abdullah.