KPs challenge floating of private society for return of migrants

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 11: Various Kashmiri Pandit organizations have expressed their serious concern over the publication of a notice regarding the floating of a Society which has taken onus to construct quarters for displaced Pandits in Valley and which has registered the names of 112 families desirous to return under PM’s rehabilitation package.
In their separate statements, the KP organizations made it clear that the majority of the community has rejected the return formula as the situation was not conducive for the same and alleged that some mafia groups within the State in league with the Government are trying to loot the Centre on the name of so called return package to take the full advantage of the same by fleecing the hapless migrants.
In an appeal to Union Government they urged it not to give its nod to the return package and sanction funds for the State Government without taking the aspirations of the community into consideration.
All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC) president Hira Lal Chatta while taking serious exception to the notice published in the Section of the press regarding floating of the Society said this is a serious game plan to destablize the community further.
Chatta said the situation is not conducive for migrants return at all and cited the example of attack on the sacred Shailputri Asthapan at Baramulla recently. He said when the Government could not even protect the religious places how can it claim the security of the Pandits who have been hounded out of Valley after their return.
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) which held an emergency meeting in Union Capital today under the chairmanship of its president Kundan Kashmiri expressed surprise over the notice and the role of Relief Organization in encouraging a lesser known society in this regard.
The meeting said the families neither have approached the Government nor the Relief organization which indicates a big conspiracy against the displaced community.
Terming the move a dangerous game plan, the meeting said it will harm the interests of displaced Pandits and force another painful migration especially in view of the reports of Talibans planning to sneak into Kashmir after the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan this year.
The meeting made an appeal to the community people not to get swayed and misled just to benefit a group of individuals who have floated the society.
The meeting also demanded immediate passage of Temples and Shrines Bill and bringing of all religious places of the Valley under its purview.
The meeting said KPC in collaboration with other organizations will hold a protest in Union Capital and submit a memorandum to Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition seeking their intervention in the matter.
All Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AMCCC) has also strongly criticized the Government for creating a confusion among the community on the name of return. AMCCC president Desh Rattan said that community be taken into confidence on this sensitive and serious issue. He warned the Government of encouraging the agents to give them the undue economic benefit by fleecing the hapless migrants after luring them to return on the name of PM’s rehabilitation package.
He wanted to know under what rule the Relief organization has patronized a private society and assigned a role to it for construction of flats under PM’s rehabilitation package. He appealed all KP organizations including the Panun Kashmir (PK) to unite and launch a decisive battle for separate homeland for the community within Valley.
Kashmiri migrant over aged youth and relief holders’ representative Ravinder Kaul has also expressed his surprise over the move and said that entire community in one voice rejects the same. He said this is a ploy by some vested interests in the State to loot the Union Government by seeking funds on the name of return of the Pandits to Valley. He said mere constitution of society is not enough and the Government has to frame a concrete policy and programme for the same by taking the aspirations of the community into consideration.
Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC) president Shadi Lal Pandita has also cautioned the community of the touts who are trying to mislead the hapless smigrants on the name of so called return package.  He said no package will be acceptable to the community which fails to respect its aspirations and reiterated his demand of settling the community at a single place in the Valley.