KPs’ concern over sealing of Sharika Peeth Shrine

*Seek intervention of LG

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 15: Various Kashmiri Pandit organisations have expressed their shock and surprise over the Sharika Peeth row which is one of the most sacred religious places of Kashmiri Pandits dated back to Puranic period and existence of Kashmir.
The KP organizations also were shocked to know that the shrine has been locked for the devotees after the two groups indulged in a fight to claim control over the shrine.
The K P Sabha Jammu while taking serious exception to the row has sought the immediate intervention of Lt Governor J&K UT, Manoj Sinha. In his letter to LG Sabha chief K K Khosa said “It is with deep anguish that I am writing this email regarding the unsavory and unfortunate happenings at the sacred shrine of Mata Sharika the presiding deity at Hari Parvat in Srinagar. It is pertinent to mention that Mata Sharika is the Isht Devi of one thirds of Kashmiri Pandits,. The latest controversy that has erupted is over the control of the shrine between two groups of devotees,. With just two days left for the holy occasion of Ashad Ashtami and Navmi which has been celebrated for centuries this disruption has not only hurt the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandit community at large but has also cast a shadow of uncertainty over the age old holy practice”.
Khosa said “It has been learnt that the local authorities have sealed the premises till the dispute is solved, . We humbly seek your intervention in the matter and request you to order the administration to allow devotees to pay their obeisance at the holy temple as per the past practice.”
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) has also been shocked over the sealing of the holy shrine of Jagatamba Sharika temple, Hari Parvat, Srinagar by the authorities after the conflict erupted between the two groups claiming their management rights over the shrine. It said this has sent shock waves among the community as their religious sentiments are attached to this shrine. KPC chief, Kundan Kashmiri said the mismanagement of the Shrine and fighting between two groups has hurt the sentiments of entire community and he demanded thorough probe into the whole issue besides opening of shrine for devotees immediately.
A group of social activists led by Dr Ramesh Bhat also made a fervent appeal to Lt Governor seeking his immediate intervention in the matter. He said the shrine is linked to thousands year old cultural and religious history of Kashmir and it has been witness to so many invasions to Kashmir from times immemorial and its immense faith has always given the community a power to fight back to the inimical forces.