KPs concerned over harassment meted to package employees in Valley

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 27: Kashmiri Pandit Sabha (KPS) organized a meeting to discuss the problems being faced by the PM package employees serving in Kashmir Valley for last four years.
The meeting which was chaired by K K Khosa president KPS was attended by the representatives and leaders of various KP Organizations and political bodies. The meeting was unanimous that not withstanding the cooperation being extended by local administration and security forces these employees are facing many difficulties which affected their morale and also put them to further physical hardships.
The meeting said that the greatest problem being faced by them is improper accommodation and it urged the Government to construct more accommodation failing which these employees will be left with no alternative but forced to give up their job and moving out.
The meeting said immediate measures be taken to built proper and adequate accommodation for the next lot of employees who are expected to join in the Valley in near future. The security and safety of these employees was also debated especially the female employees who were some time posted far off from their residential places. This has been done against the well established norms, which has led to a lot of resentment among these employees as well as displaced KPs in general.
The meeting said coupled with the lack of accommodation in the transit camps these employees become vulnerable to nefarious designs of anti social elements who try to harass these employees. It was noted with concern that in the recent past there have been a spate of such cases whereby the entire community got disturbed and the burden on the administration and on the social organizations has increased since they had to step in to retrieve the situation.
The meeting formed two communities one that would take care of social angle including providing counseling to the prospective employees as well as their families and the other to suggest measures to amend the SRO 412 governing such employees so that it does not leave scope for unscrupulous elements to exploit the situation any further. These committees would maintain proper liaison with these employees by visiting them every two months in order to ensure proper concern with them.
Others who addressed the meeting included senior BJP leader Moti Kaul, Virender Kuchroo general secretary BJP Kashmir Unit, Jiten Bhat of NC, H K SIdha and T K Tiku of PDP, S K Bhat vice president ASKPC, R K Bhat president, YAIKS, A K Raina and Vijay Kashkari of AIKS besides the members of Political Affairs Committee of KPS.