KPs- Trump Card of BJP

Rajan Gandhi
With successful completion of ULB elections in Jammu and Kashmir a new game changing Kashmir politics has propped up , with results pointing out entirely changed political scenario of the state as both NC and PDP decided to boycott the elections on flimsy issue expecting to blackmail GoI as in the past both these parties expected to score brownie points among their supporters as time and again Kashmir centric parties have shown inclination towards separatist ideology despite participating in the elections of Ladakh Hill Council only three weeks back before announcing boycott, but the centre exposed their bluff and both these parties as well as others who planned boycott ultimately just stood by sideline to watch BJP getting foothold in the valley at their cost. Party spokesperson of NC, Junaid Azim Mattu quit NC to fight the polls from Srinagar and has won from Solina ward. Some other grass root level workers of these parties were also able to break the shackles as they have tirelessly worked with a dream of representing these parties sometime on the political front, but all their dreams got shattered with the boycott call, dejected many of them filed nominations as independents and have won.
Stubbornness of these one family parties just spoilt the joy of party workers. It is important to mention that after 2005 when last ULB elections were held no sincere effort was made to conduct these elections despite repeated reminders from GoI with the result ULB grants to the tune of thousands of crores could not be released and fruits of Panchayati Raj as well were not tasted by the rural public for more than a decade. It seems both PDP and NC want to keep all powers of development with the MLAs without participation of public with the resultant least development of J & K despite best efforts from the GoI.
In these elections Election Commission made specific arrangements for Kashmiri Migrants to vote with special polling booths in Jammu, Delhi and Udhampur. Kashmiri migrants living in other cities were separately notified as ‘notified voter’ and cast their vote by post. However this drew criticism from Kashmir-based political parties who see this as another ploy by the BJP to control the municipal bodies in the region as BJP failed to open its account in assembly elections from Kashmir. The restoration of voting rights generated enough enthusiasm among the migrants so much so that despite the boycott by NC and PDP, 80 BJP candidates have been elected unopposed in the ULB polls, 33 percent of whom are migrant Hindus. The fact is that this seems to be first step towards return of migrants back to Kashmir valley and instead of criticizing all political parties and local population must welcome them with open arms as Kashmiriat is incomplete in Kashmir without KPs. Kashmir province has total 624 seats, 231 won uncontested, 85 vacant with no candidate, BJP 100, Congress 157, Independent 178, 4 others and 30 out of these 100 of BJP are Kashmiri Pandits. The very fact that at Shopian out of 17 council members 14 are of BJP and 3 wards are vacant. Shopian is not the only Municipal Committee which has returned KPs -Devsor , Anantnag, Pampore, Tral, Baramulla, Sopre ,Kulgam, Mattan, Dooru Verinag, Bijbehara, Achabal are others who have also elected KPs as their councilor . It’s heartwarming to see names like Veena Koul , Kuldeep Raina , Vikas Koul among locals along with Ghulam Hassan Dar , Mudasir Rasool chanting Modi Zindabad, BJP Zindabad in the midst of celebrations and it’s no mean achievement keeping in view the always surcharged atmosphere in Kashmir.
BJP played its migrant card extremely well as in Jammu also enough representation has been given not only in politics but in the state government administration as well , VC Jammu , VC Central University, Director Health Services Jammu are a few examples which are a testimony to BJP’s resolve to look after the interests of KP migrants. Jammu people have whole heartedly welcomed KPs in the past and the successful KP Corporators from Jammu once again prove Jammu’s secular and peaceful social fabric. BJP’s strategy was well thought after – meticulously planned and it was not an abrupt decision to have migrants as their candidates. BJP has hit two birds with one shot, on one hand the message to migrants is quite clear; BJP is trying seriously to get KPs back to their roots in Kashmir and secondly the parties opposing selection of these KPs as Corporators are exposed , their repeated statements that without KPs Kashmir is incomplete stand exposed as all these statements proved to be lip services only as the so called secular parties of Kashmir- NC,PDP as well as Congress never gave a simple thought of giving due representation to these KPs . KPs who lost their everything in the due course of terrorism – youth, land, jobs, culture , in fact once a proud most learned community of India was reduced to destitute in their own country hoping against hope that GoI will do something for their resettlement. NDA government of Atal Behari Vajapayee did try but once NDA lost power it was back to square one. This time BJP focused on Kashmir in a different way with in charge Ashok Koul (State General Secretary organization) forming specific team to co-ordinate grass level mobilization of workers in Kashmir and the resultant success is there for everyone to see. BJP it seems has understood the winning formula of Kashmir elections, practically if Farooq Abdullah can become a MP with 7 % of voting BJP’s game plan is clear, get a foothold in valley, do the ground level development work and with active support and participation of the migrant population and other likeminded parties like PC of Lone upset both NC and PDP. The boycott has given a God gifted opportunity to the BJP to make inroads into Kashmir’s political territory ahead of parliamentary and state assembly elections. Voting pattern is quite clear, the peripheral Shia dominated and border areas which have seen some participation in the ongoing elections in fact have selected some BJP candidates.
As BJP and RSS have already made an entry into J&K’s power structure, they won’t let it go easily, for them ruling the state, preferably with a Hindu Chief Minister, will be no less than an achievement to show politically than the construction of Ram Mandir. On the ground it’s expected that the next elections would also see boycotts and the voter turnout would be less than the previous polls, which would again benefit the BJP. If BJP is able to garner double digit seats from Kashmir besides improving its existing tally of MLAs in Jammu, which is their core constituency, they can install a Chief Minister of their own in the state for the first time. Practically it seems both NC/PDP have done the same blunder which Praja Parishad did after independence, boycott of elections and BJP has grabbed the opportunity with both hands quite happily. Both the parties have behaved irresponsibly in the past as well , Mehbooba showing least flexibility which in fact resulted 2008 agitation and Farooq Abdullah chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ on one occasion and boycotting polls at another instance ,they themselves have exposed their insignificance in the Kashmir. Interestingly leaders of both the parties have neither resigned from state assembly nor Parliamentary seats. The political base of PDP, NC in Kashmir has been shaken and if BJP is able to form the government on their own it will be end game for both the regional parties. Once hegemony of Kashmir based parties on both Jammu and Ladakh is broken BJP will definitely claim that Kashmir’s domination over Jammu is over and Kashmir riddle thus stands resolved.
Game is clear and so is the strategy right now but with high stakes and consequences. Realignment of power equation is rapidly on the cards and it’s just a question of time to see the end result but the only worrisome factor for BJP is their dwindling base in Jammu. Central government is already working on the issues of public resentment through Governor, message to state bureaucracy is clear, either perform or perish.
However it will be a challenge to get these elected KP Councilors settle in their respective wards and initiate the development work on ground. Only time will tell whether these KP Councilors are welcomed with open arms by local Muslim population or are once again sacrificed at the altar of religious terrorism in the name of jihad. It’s a real test for ‘Insaniyat, Jamhooriat and Kashmiriat’. Stakes are high as from here onwards it will be difficult for both NC and PDP to get their foothold back as GoI has made its intentions clear to wipe out militancy from the state and Governor’s reference to LTTE as an example in itself shows the seriousness of the administration to go for final assault on the backbone of militancy. Army and Para Military forces are doing their job meticulously and it remains to be seen whether Kashmir centric parties are willing to take corrective decisions in the favor of Nation and state or they still tow the lines of separatists and the common masses of Kashmir pay the price. Let’s wait and see whether public of Kashmir is also able to read in between the lines and give peace, brotherhood and development a chance to prosper. Time will tell ultimately KPs are trump card of BJP or mere gladiators.