KPs unity must for comprehensive rehabilitation in Valley: YAIKS

KPs at a seminar organised by YAIKS at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
KPs at a seminar organised by YAIKS at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 5: Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS) has appealed the Kashmiri Pandit community to be united and speak in one voice for comprehensive rehabilitation of the community with honour and dignity in their motherland Kashmir.
The appeal was made by YAIKS president, R K Bhat while addressing a seminar organised by the organisation on abrogation of Article 370 and the Way Ahead for Kashmiri Pandits here, today. He demanded that the Government of India should involve grass root level leadership of Pandit community for preparing a blue print on the return of the community by framing a viable return policy instead of contacting self styled leaders on pick and choose basis.
He alleged that the self styled leaders have done nothing for the community except working for their individual interests. “They are not our leaders nor do they represent the community”, he added.
“These leaders are not interested to return to Valley so how can they decide the fate of those community members who are eager to return to their motherland” he said.
Bhat expressed hope that reorganisation of State will end the miseries of the community in every field and pave way for reconnecting the community to its roots and ancestral motherland soon. “We hope the process of delimitation and new arrangements should make Pandits politically empowered,. The community was always neglected politically with the result we are living as refugees in the largest democratic country for last 30 years”, he added.
Bhat said the community is optimistic that the forced exodus and long sufferings would come to an end under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in whom every displaced Pandit is pinning high hopes.
The prominent Kashmiri Pandit leaders and intellectuals attended the seminar which also discussed the prevailing scenario in the State and the way ahead for displaced Kashmiri Pandits.
Padamshree Prof K N Pandita was the chief guest, while Prof A N Sadhu a prominent economist, H N Jattu, president, All India Kashmiri Pandit Conference (AIKPC) were the guests of honour.
Besides, P L Koul Budgami, convener, Kashmiri Hindu Conference (KHC), Varinder Raina , president Panun Kashmir (PK), S K Koul of Jammu Kashmir Nationalist Movement (JKNM), Murari Ji Koul, Pran Pandit, Brij Nath Bhat, Kuldeep Pandita, president Thinkers Forum, Ramesh Marhata, Sundri Lal, secretary, PNBMT, Ravi Mahaldar, D N Bhat and Avtar Krishan.
Others who addressed the gathering included B K Bhat, Sunil Koul vice presidents YAIKS, Manoj Handoo (general secretary), Ajay Safya, Sanjay Ganjoo and Sanjeev Koul, secretaries, Dileep Bhat, Ajay Pandita, Amit Raina, Kamal Tak, Ashwani Kak, Rakesh Bhat and others.