Kudankulam plant I dedicated jointly by Modi, Putin, Jaya

Kudankulam plant I dedicated jointly by Modi, Putin, Jaya
Kudankulam plant I dedicated jointly by Modi, Putin, Jaya

KUDANKULAM (TN):  Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today jointly dedicated to the nation the 1,000 MW Nuclear Power Plant-I here, assuring it was one of the safest atomic plants in the world.

Speaking on the occasion through video conferencing from New Delhi, Modi said Kudankulum 1, an Indo-Russian project, was an important addition to the continuing efforts to scale up production of clean energy in India.

“I have always deeply valued our friendship with Russia and it is fitting that we jointly dedicate Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) Unit 1. This also signals our joint commitment to build pathways of partnership for green growth,” he said.

Putin, speaking from Moscow, said it was a big event for all.

“The power plant is updated with most modern Russian technologies. It is not just construction and commissioning of the power plant. It is well known that Russia is one of the world leaders in nuclear technology and we are glad to share with our Indian colleagues our technology,” he said.

Joining the event from Chennai, Jayalalithaa said KNPP was a “monument commemorating the long standing, abiding and deep friendship between Russia and India and that she had supported implementation of the project, at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli district, all through her 10 years in office”.

The KNPP had been set up using the Russian VVER type

reactors based on enriched uranium and its second unit was expected to start operations later this year.

The completion of the first unit was delayed in view of strident protests by local people, who raised safety concerns, before it became operational.

The Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) VVER-1000 had gone critical in July 2014 and the commercial operations started from December 31 the same year, with the unit coming to the aid of the then power starved Tamil Nadu.

The Cumulative Generation of Unit I since the date of commercial operation is 6,498 million units (MU) with its capacity factor peaking to 100 per cent in June this year.

The Prime Minister said the dedication of KNPP-I marked another historic time line in Indo-Russia relations.