Kunzar -Chanapora bridge

Commuters suffer, farmers and orchardists groan , dozens of villages otherwise connected are feeling “gone ” far away due to Chanapora Kunzar bridge in Tangmarg area of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district not being completed even after a long period of 13 years. We are constrained to observe that so much of delay can take place in Jammu and Kashmir State only in constructing a bridge so vital in Kashmir valley to connect with one another and places inter-se.
Talk to the “sufferer inhabitants “of the areas otherwise connected with one another because of this bridge, one gets to know the levels of the official apathies towards the inconveniences and hardships of the people. They have to take a long time to reach on the Highway. Bamoorada, Harde Aboora, Karhama, Ogmuna, Kechhmatipora, Pariswani, Dardepora, Devpora, Bongam Gonipur and scores of villages on Srinagar Gulmarg Highway are connected through this bridge. The bridge was damaged in 2003 and in 2005 , the construction on it was started but 13 years are proving too short a period for this bridge to come up .It is not that the politicians and the administrative authorities do not come to “see” the work on and the condition of this bridge but no one has so far taken any concrete step to do something worthwhile about it.
Since the farming community is most affected because of the work on this bridge being not completed for reasons not known excepting the presuming funds shortage, we urge the state authorities to get the incomplete part of the work done so as to have it complete for use by March next year.