LA witnesses ruckus over ‘disparity’ in distribution of street lights

SRINAGAR :  The Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly today witnessed a noisy scene when National Conference (NC) and Congress demanded an inquiry into alleged disparity in distribution of street lights between MLAs from Treasury and Opposition.
The Government, however, said that an inquiry will be conducted.      As soon as the Lower House met to take up the Question-Hour, members of NC and Congress stood up at their seats and alleged that constituencies with ruling party MLAs are being given more street lights than the areas which are represented by opposition members.
“Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) has allotted 100 street lights to the constituencies, who have PDP MLAs, while only 50 lights have been given to areas which are represented by Opposition members,” NC MLA Mian Altaf Ahmad alleged.
He further said that in Eidgah constituency, a PDP member, who lost Assembly election to NC member Mubarak Gul, is being allotted street lights, instead of the MLA of the area.
The Opposition later shouted slogans against the government. The MLAs were heard saying, ‘Loot maar band karo’, ‘PDP sarkar hai hai’ and ‘RSS sarkar hai hai’.
Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh responded by saying that the issue will be enquired and appropriate action will be taken.
Meanwhile, Minister for Rural Development & Panchayati Raj and Law & Justice Abdul Haq Khan also assured the House that the issue will be enquired and  resolved. (AGENCIES)