Ladakh Daily Wagers demand regularization

Leaders of All Ladakh Daily Wagers Association addressing a press conference.
Leaders of All Ladakh Daily Wagers Association addressing a press conference.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Aug 29: Daily Wagers from Ladakh working in different government departments of the Union Territory have demanded regularization of their jobs.
Addressing a press conference here today, All Ladakh Daily Wagers Association (ALDWA) president, Phuntsog Angchuk said they have been working tirelessly on a meager salary of Rs. 6,500 for the last 20-25 years but concerned authorities have failed to regularize them citing various reasons.
ALDWA Vice President, Asgar Ali said that daily wagers of Ladakh must be paid at par with their counterparts in Central Government wherein such employees are being paid Rs. 20,000 per month.
Ali further said that many of his colleagues have died waiting for regularization and got nothing from the Government.
“Most of the jobs in various departments are managed by our daily wager colleagues who have to work in the freezing temperature without any proper facilities but still the Government is not seriously in listening our plight,” he maintained adding that there are about 3500 such daily wagers employees in the Union Territory of Ladakh.