Lady SPO killed, militants flee

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Mar 16: A lady Special Police Officer (SPO) was today shot dead by militants in Vehil village of South Kashmir’s Shopian district while three militants of Hizbul Mujahideen fled from the cordon in nearby Kulgam district after brief shoot out with the security forces.
SPO, Khushboo Jan, working in Jammu and Kashmir Police was fired upon by militants at her home Vehil Shopian this afternoon, leaving her seriously wounded. She was rushed to Public Health Centre (PHC) Vehil where she succumbed to her injuries.
Security forces rushed to the spot and launched a manhunt to nab the militants responsible for the killing of the SPO.

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Militants last year made an abortive bid to set afire her house. She was also warned by militants through posters and asked to quit the job. However, she didn’t give heed to their threats.
And militants this afternoon fired at the security forces party at Frisal area of South Kashmir’s Kulgam district and they fired back triggering a brief shoot-out.
Sources said that soon after gunshots were heard in the area youth took to streets and started pelting stones on security forces which was retaliated by tear smoke. The irate youth blocked the roads with logs and placed rocks on roads to prevent security forces’ movement.
Sources said that the security forces had inputs about the presence of three militants of Hizbul Mujahideen hiding in the area. However, they escaped during the shootout. Despite shelling, security forces continued search operation in the area against the militants.
Authorities in Kulgam snapped the internet facility in the area to prevent violence.
Security forces today also cordoned off Drubgam village in Pulwama district of South Kashmir after inputs about presence of militants in the village. As the security forces cordoned off the village, youth took to streets and pelted stones on the security forces leading to clashes. Security forces fired teargas to disperse the protesters.