Lal-Bati Tag

One more bold decision recently taken by our Prime Minister with regard to Lal-Bati abolition in the country has been hailed by the people in large. Usage of Lal-Bati has remained a long exercise by our ministers and higher bureaucrats.   It signified VIP and VVIP order so far. This label created wide wedge among the people and also caused trouble. The  people with Lal Batis used to consider themselves superior to others and were expecting services from the common man. The high and low perception got encouraged. This phenomenon was both unnatural and also unconstitutional.  The high ups are the men who have to serve the people in letter and spirit and do not carry any special status so far as the law of the land is concerned. All people in India are equal and enjoy equal rights and follow duties in accordance to our constitution. It was a long awaited decision and now taken in the right direction. It is a big relief to common man of our country. Any dereliction in the matter needs to be dealt with firm hand in the future. Leaders are not the bosses but servants of the people. Our PM is a leader in reality who works tirelessly for the  welfare of the poor living in India.
Yours etc…
S N Raina