Landing of Super Hercules

The landing of Super Hercules C-130J on a mud-paved air strip at Daulat Baig Oldie (DBO) in easter Ladakh is an important development from security point of view. Considered as a major strategic feat, the Hercules will help Indian army ferry troops and supplies to Line of Actual Control (LAC). In view of recent incursions made by the Chinese troops along LAC, the Government of India has been left with no option than strengthening its armed forces. The presence of  Super Hercules among snow swathed mountains is nothing but a step towards giving an essential edge over Chinese troops.
The Government should also accelerate the pace of work on constructing roads in this region so that troops do not face any hurdle in ferrying troops and other paraphernalia.
Modernisation of Indian army is not going at the desired pace as it should have been to match the Chinese challenge. It is reported that  China is far ahead of India so far men and material is concerned. Indian cannot remain indifferent to happenings on other side of the LAC.
Yours etc……
Shiv Kr Sharma