Laser walls along IB

Infiltration across LoC and IB has become a routine for Pakistani jihadis, terrorists, smugglers and narcotic peddlers. Though we have considerable border security personnel deployed along Punjab border with Pakistan yet the border strip is long and tortuous that foolproof surveillance and security are very difficult to maintain. It was suspected that as terrorists crossed over from Pakistan by breaching the IB from Bamiyal area in Punjab, Union Home Ministry and BSF have speed up the deployment and activation of walls along the long border.
There has been serious thinking at various levels of our security establishment that electronic device needs to be taken resort to in making our border wall impregnable to the infiltrators. As we know, the infiltrators are well aware that Indian security personnel are alive and watching movement of the enemy and as such it is becoming more and more difficult for them to risk their lives by clandestine infiltration into our side of the line. Plugging of the international border in Punjab especially the riverine regions has become indispensable. There is the new scheme called laser walls. According to a BSF source, while eight infra-red and laser beam intrusion detection systems are “up and working” along as many vulnerable and sensitive areas of the international border (IB) in Punjab, four more will be operationalized in the next few days. BSF will be launching a pilot project of raising at least 45 laser walls all along the Punjab and Rajasthan border at vulnerable places to ensure that infiltration is plugged. According to a source in BSF, preliminary results in detecting illegal movements are encouraging. The laser walls have started working and their functioning is being monitored. Sensors were being monitored through a satellite-based signal command system and armed with night and fog operability tools.
We have to take all necessary measures to secure our borders with Pakistan. We cannot leave anything to chance knowing that we are supposed to deal with an adversary does not want peace to be established in the region.