Lasjan Sports Stadium in ruins

Sewage water has virtually ruined the Lasjan Sports Stadium on the outskirts of Srinagar and those authorities who could have prevented the damage are still not doing anything in the matter to one’s utter astonishment. Grazing cows and muddy water are the only two “activities” watched in the stadium instead of any sports activities.
The purpose of sports stadium is promoting sports and sports lovers of not only Lasjan area but the adjoining areas lament that they missed two sports seasons due to the continuous accumulation of sewage water and the resultant poor condition of the playground. Not a single tournament has reportedly been played as the stadium has been reduced to a cesspool.
In an atmosphere where the need to promote sports and sports persons should have been the priority of the Government for “obvious reasons”, it is beyond comprehension as to why instead of making improvements in the existing stadium at Lasjan, it has instead been rendered as not fit for playing.
We urge the authorities to find out the reasons of the villainous seepage and find out a permanent solution to prevent the water from entering the stadium so that normal sports activities are resumed there.