Last chance for SKIMS Gynae Deptt to get recognition

Irfan Tramboo

SRINAGAR, Oct 28: The Gynecology Department of SKIMS, Soura has got last chance to get Medical Council of India (MCI) recognition as the MCI team is conducting inspection of the Department in next few weeks.
Official sources told Excelsior that the team will be visiting the Institute next few weeks to conduct the inspection as the administration has filed the compliance report to the Council after the gaps identified by the council were filled.
“During the last inspection, the MCI had pointed out at few shortcomings in the Gynecology department, those have been fulfilled now and the compliance report has been submitted to the council,” an official privy to the development said.
Moreover, the administration has even shot a letter to the Council asking it to send a team of Inspectors to conduct the inspection. However, due to the prevailing situation, the insiders told Excelsior, the Inspectors were not willing to come which delayed the process even more. “Now, one inspector has agreed to conduct the visit in next few weeks and hopefully this time over, it (recognition) will be through,” the official said.
Being the premier healthcare institute of J&K, SKIMS has not been able to make to the recognition during last two consecutive attempts, and this being the third chance. It is deemed to be the last chance for it to get the required nod, failing which they will be rendered ineligible for the same. During earlier two attempts, they were put down by the MCI given the lack of prerequisite infrastructure and other requirements in the department of Gynaecology.
What is more worrisome is the fact that inability of the administration has been putting the careers of scores of doctors into jeopardy as they were not able to pursue higher studies in the field outside J&K, forcing them to stay put in Kashmir.
Medical Superintendent, SKIMS Dr Farooq Jan while confirming that almost all the gaps indentified have been fulfilled, told Excelsior that apart from the requirements, few more rooms have been increased in the Gynecology department.
“Intra-uterine insemination chambers and few laboratory blocks have been added in the facility. Apart from this, the civil works have been completed, half of the equipments that were required have been procured and half is set to be procured soon,” he said, adding that this time over the administration is hopeful of getting the department recognized.
On the other side, the State Cancer Institute (SCI) at SKIMS which was set to be made functional in September is scheduled to witness more delay. The delay, officials said, was caused due to the non-availability of labor since August, which they said, has now been managed. Another hurdle which they said led to the delay was the issue of manpower which has not been arranged as of now.
“The manpower requirement is the issue that is lingering as of now; the issue was discussed in the Standing Committee Finance, which has now sent the file to sub-committee. The clearance of the manpower requirement is going to take some more time,” another official privy to developments related to the SCI told Excelsior.