Lawyers plead to LG

Lawyers fraternity is growing up day by day and is a natural phenomenon like other professionals. The lawyers are important part of society and the profession is itself a toughest one where a lawyer in true sense dedicates his whole life to the service of litigants and a lawyer hardly finds any leisure time to relax. The Govt; does care for the rights of other professionals, however Govt; instead of protection of fundamental rights of this fraternity, proceeds in wrong direction to the detriment of lawyers in general by conferring judicial powers upon executive thereby not only depriving lawyers from livelihood but also causing hardships for public. Moreover corruption in executive is being encouraged as layman’s dealing with statutory provisions, laws and enactment can never remain impartial, without bias, favour and fear. Judiciary was purportedly established for ensuring rights of citizens in every aspect and lawyers play an important role in judicial system of India, but Govt; has created such a situation in J&K UT after passing such ill-advised and un waranted orders/ notifications in direction to conferment of powers to executive, clouser of certain commissions, Tribunals and dislocation of various courts, forums etc whereby not only lawyers but also public at large is feeling aggrieved. Before winding up of consumer commission, forums Govt should have simultaneously made an exercise for reconstitution of such commissions, forums as per amended laws now applicable to UT. The administration of LG seems to be in deep slumber even after about 15 days of birth of UT.
People in general are suffering as thousands of cases in various commissions, forums and Tribunals are sub judice and nobody knows fate of such cases. Money in millions is lying/deposited with consumer forums and commissions but due to winding up process, litigants entitled to such money are deprived of the same. There is no roadmap for reconstitution of such commissions, forums etc and bureaucracy at the helm of affairs might be unable to understand the genuine issues of lawyers fraternity demanding vesting of registration powers to judicial officers, stopping dislocation of various courts, forums from court complex etc.
It would be earnest request to Govt; under administration of LG to ensure transparency in reconstitution of various commissions forums and Tribunals and vesting powers with judiciary keeping in view the concerns, problems and issues of lawyers fraternity in particular and public in general.
Sanjay K. Dhar