Laying of much-needed gas pipeline in J&K nobody’s priority

*Practice of passing bucks continues despite lapse of 6 yrs

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Mar 16: Laying of much-needed gas pipeline in Jammu and Kashmir seems to be nobody’s concern as despite lapse of nearly six years neither the basic steps have been completed by the project executing agency nor the State Government exerting any pressure. Moreover, all the concerned agencies are passing the bucks on each other on different issues thereby creating road-blocks in the way of making this ambitious project a reality.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) on July 7, 2011 had authorized Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL), a subsidiary of the Gujarat Government, to lay Bhatinda-Jammu-Srinagar gas pipeline to ensure gas supply for industrial, commercial and domestic use in Jammu and Kashmir, whose major portion remains cut-off from rest of the country during rainy and winter seasons.
Subsequently, PNGRB transferred the authorization in favour of GSPL India Gasnet Limited-a consortium comprising of GSPL, Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.
However, despite lapse of nearly six years no major head-way has been made in laying of gas pipeline especially in Jammu and Kashmir, sources said, adding what to talk of initiating work on ground the GSPL India Gasnet Limited (GIGL) has even failed to formally take decision on the route of the gas pipeline beyond Smailpur in Samba district.
From Chak Devian village in Kathua district to Smailpur in Samba district 67 kilometer long route was identified and accordingly the process of land acquisition was set into motion as it was decided at the highest level in GIGL that this 67 kilometer stretch will be taken up in Phase-I. Even initial notifications for acquisition of land were issued but the GIGL failed to take this initiative to the logical conclusion.
This is notwithstanding the fact that J&K Government on the insistence of GIGL had enacted the J&K Underground Public Utilities (Acquisition of Rights of User in Land) Act in 2014 to facilitate acquisition of right of user in land for laying of gas pipelines, sources regretted while disclosing that at present no exercise is being conducted by GIGL on the ground that this Act needs some amendments to complete the right of user process particularly in respect of 67 kilometer long route between Chak Devian in Kathua to Smailpur in Samba.
“We had submitted a formal request to the concerned authorities of J&K Government for carrying out amendments but nothing has been heard from them till date”, a representative of GIGL in Jammu and Kashmir said, adding “unless this is done we cannot proceed further vis-à-vis 67 kilometer stretch”.
However, sources said that GIGL has failed to obtain No-Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Wildlife Department as gas pipeline is also required to be laid through the eco-sensitive zone of Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary. “It was only because of dilly-dallying approach of the project executing agency that right of user in land could not be acquired till date”, they added.
The intensity of non-seriousness can further be gauged from the fact that no route for the gas pipeline has been identified beyond Smailpur up to Srinagar and only reconnaissance has been conducted by the GIGL, sources informed.
“We have proposed that corridor for laying gas pipeline be given along the National Highway but the final decision is still awaited”, said a representative of GIGL while admitting that company has decided to go ahead with its work in J&K following completion of work in Punjab.
However, sources said that all this was meant to delay the project otherwise there was no justification behind proposing corridor along the highway after a lapse of six years. “This decision should have been taken much earlier”, they added.
“Similarly, there is no justification behind not executing work till completion of gas pipeline laying work in Punjab”, they said, adding “the work should have been executed simultaneously so as to ensure that objective behind the gas pipeline in J&K could be achieved in a time bound manner”.
“All this indicates that on one side the GIGL is soft-paddling on the execution of project in Jammu and Kashmir and on the other side State Government is not exerting pressure by taking up the issue with the Union Petroleum Ministry”, sources remarked, adding in such a situation when this project will become a reality remains a million dollar question.