LC passes Resolution for time-bound enquiry into Ex-COA statement

SRINAGAR: The State Legislative Council (LC) today unanimously passed a Resolution, demanding time-bound inquiry into revelations of former Chief of the Army General V K Singh that money was being paid to politicians since 1947.

The resolution said “The lower House unanimously resolves that the allegations made by Rtd Army chief should be inquired in a time bound and transparent manner by  Government.”

The Legislative Council has also passed a similar Resolution on General Singh’s revelations.

Castigating former Chief for his controversial and inconsistent remarks, the Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs Abdul Rahim Rather said his allegations have not only brought disrepute to the Indian Army, which is considered as one of the world’s most disciplined and apolitical force but also severely dented the credibility of the democratic institutions in the State.

Replying to the discussion on the remarks made by Gen Singh, Mr Rather sought credible and transparent probe into the allegations which he said have seriously undermined the entire political process and created suspicion in the minds of the people against mainstream political leaders of the state.

He said though the statements made by the Rtd Army General were utterly inconsistent and self-contradictory, but the same deserves a thorough probe owing to his former position and to bring facts in front of the people.

The Rtd Army General in a single breath during an interview to a TV channel, stated that money was paid to a particular Minister, then said money was being paid to all Ministers and then he said money was paid to some Ministers.

Mr Rather said the Rtd Army General in similar self- contradictory statements said the money was meant for winning hearts and minds of the people and later altered his statement saying that the money was spent under the Army’s Sadhbhavana programme. (AGENCIES)