Leaders of various parties join BJP

Leaders from various parties joining the BJP during a function organised in Jammu on Tuesday.
Leaders from various parties joining the BJP during a function organised in Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 18: Leaders of various parties joined the BJP in a function organised by the BJYM Kashmir Displaced District here today.
The event witnessed enthusiastic participation and was conducted in the presence of District President BJP Kashmir Displaced District, Chand Ji Bhat, along with other district office bearers.
The program was meticulously organized by District President BJYM KDD, Rohit Ganjoo.
During the event, Chand Ji Bhat addressed the attendees, enlightening them about the workings of the BJP Kashmir Displaced District.
He emphasized the significant participation of Kashmiri Pandits in the previous Lok Sabha elections, highlighting their belief that only PM Narendra Modi can deliver justice to the community.
Bhat further assured the new members that under Modi’s leadership, Kashmiri Pandits would return to the valley with dignity and honour.
Welcoming the new entrants, President BJYM KDD Rohit Ganjoo remarked that the BJP Government has significantly boosted the morale of youth across the nation.
He said, “The youth-oriented schemes and packages have given young people a reason to believe in the BJP. Over the last ten years, since the Modi-led government resumed work, a new and highly motivated wave has been evident throughout the country.”
The program saw a notable turnout of Kashmiri Pandit youth, who have been inspired by the work and vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.