Leh politicians pledge to work unitedly for strengthening LBA, safeguard Ladakh

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, Aug 5: Breaking their long silence, veteran politician from Leh district have decided to come on common platform and work collectively for strengthening the Buddhist apex body Ladakh Buddhist Association, empowerment of the Hill Council and safeguard Ladakh region at any cost.
With this development, all speculations over participation of veteran politicians in upcoming Council election have come to an end with senior leaders announcing not to participate in any electoral process.
Keeping aside all their political differences, the top leaders in Ladakh, including former Member of Parliament Thupstan Chhewang, former Ministers Chering Dorjay Lakrook and Nawang Rigzin Jora came on a common platform to work for strengthening LBA. Initiative in this regard was taken by former Rajya Sabha member Thiksay Khenpo Rinpoche, who had organized a meeting yesterday at Thiksay Monastery Library.
Sources on the condition of anonymity, informed that nearly 40 people, including LBA President, Vice President and Leh district presidents of political parties attended the said meeting and unanimously decided to work for strengthening the LBA for the betterment of Ladakh. It was also decided that there would be no political discussion on this platform. All stakeholder felt the need of demanding safeguards for Ladakh region through LBA.
Addressing the meeting, Thiksay Rinpoche purportedly urged all stakeholders not to use LBA platform for political debate but to discuss and debate about future development of Ladakh.
Former MP Thupstan Chhewang clearly mentioned that he had no political aspiration left now and announced not to participate in electoral process in future. He also claimed that he got number of offers including Ambassador post but he did not show any interest in the offers made to him. He also said that he would work for the betterment of Ladakh without taking part in politics.
Former minister and senior Congress leader Nawang Rigzin Jora also announced not to take part in any electoral process even as he added that being the party president, he would help the Congress party during elections.
Ex-MLC Chering Dorjay also promised to work for strengthening LBA from the platform. He also announced not to take part in any future politics.
Admitting the need of strengthening LBA, President PT Kunzang highlighted LBA achievements. BJP President Dorjay Angchuk and Congress President Tsering Namgyal also spoke on the occasion.
All stakeholder expressed their gratitude to Modi led BJP Government for granting UT status to Ladakh and asserted the need for strengthening LBA, Hill Council empowerment and safeguard for Ladakh region at any cost.
It was first of its kind meeting which concluded with the note that all participants would l work under the guidance of Thiksay Khenpo Rinpochey and former MP Thupstan Chhewang.