Let COVID not resurrect


With three deaths being reported from Kashmir region of the UT in respect of COVID virus, apprehensions of resurrection of the dreaded virus can be a natural phenomenon. Not only that, slight surge in number of people testing positive for the virus must be treated as alarm bells ringing to be no more complacent about taking precautionary measures. A random and cursory look of those persons whether on roads, in public or private modes of transport, shopping or attending social functions can reveal not even 10 per cent wearing masks not to speak of maintaining social distance. That is simply suicidal. Agreed, human beings tend to forget moments of great challenge and even imminent danger slightly after the same was over but in case of the COVID virus, if it is thought that that it had ”gone” away, it was tantamount to nursing an absolutely false notion. As some medical experts believe that the virus was not over or dead, as is seen in countries like Russia, China and even the US including many parts of the country itself where the virus in new variants is active and causing usual devastation, any laxity in taking strict precautionary measures can prove costlier in unaffordable measure. It is a step taken in right direction by the administration in declaring some affected and vulnerable areas as Micro Containment Zones in Kashmir so that the virus could be prevented from spreading in the district. Should positive cases not decrease, the Administration can order localised lockdown which besides restricting free movement affects daily routine and trade and commerce suffers. Why should such a situation be allowed to take place and not adhere to SoP of the precautionary protocol? Administration on its part too has, of late, turned too liberal to not continuously keep enforcing strictly the precautionary measures and imposing penalties on violators who could be prospective victims and carriers of the virus as well.