LeT operative arrested

NEW DELHI, Dec 13: A terror module of Lashkar-e-Toiba which was in an “advanced stage” of planning a militant strike in Delhi has been busted by the Delhi Police with the arrest of a suspected operative from Mewat region of Haryana.
Mohammad Shahid (32) was arrested from his house in Mewat on Monday after police trailed him for more than one week.
Shahid was working as a ‘Maulvi’ in Noorani Masjid in Choti Mewli village of Nuh district, while he is a permanent resident of Bazeedpur village in the same area.
“Secret information was received towards the end of November that a known LeT terrorist Javed Baluchi of Pakistan had been in touch with a sub module in Mewat and a conspiracy to commit a terrorist strike in the national capital was being hatched,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Sanjeev Kumar Yadav.
This information was further developed and it was learnt that a member of this module is moving in Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan.
To unravel the entire conspiracy, investigation was taken up by the Special Cell and Shahid was arrested after meticulous efforts, police said.
During interrogation, Shahid allegedly said that he had joined the LeT module about six/seven months ago and since then, was being handled by local Mewat based handlers. (PTI)