Let us break the chain

                                       Shiban  Khaibri

The theme chosen by this writer for the write up originally  was “Didi  wins but  Bengal loses”   in respect of the aftermath backlashes  by goons , fanatics and the outlaws  with  ostensible  implied  support from state machinery which resulted in letting lose a reign of terror on the   ‘’identified “  and  “specific” targets  immediately after poll results were out.  Yes, the BJP which  from a paltry 3 seats  jumped to around 77 ,  missed the number  without blaming the EVMs , the EC or the central forces but  heralding   an imminent  breaking of the political hegemony , in the near future, of ruling Bengal through  intimidation and violence  . However, looking to colossal loss of precious lives – mostly  young people and women due to the ferocious  variants of the COVID virus disease and Indian double mutant  having been traced to the causes of increasing number of deaths , the theme got  changed from Bengal to the   inevitable   nemesis of the new variant  with a  vow to “Let us  break the chain”.  Just let us all decide to lock ourselves in for   minimum  7 days , the incubation period of the virus , experts say is  4 days, the chain can be broken  definitely . Most of us might have seen and must be recollecting as to how last year   citizens in Wuhan  in China , from where the virus was manually manufactured to trouble the whole of mankind,  were seen  shutting  their windows and doors   from inside  by  nailing at the openings so that they could not be easily opened.  When the push comes to so severe a shove, in common parlance and in simpler remedy – the option comes to “Stay  home , stay safe”. Even you go in for vaccination ,raising immunity levels  and adopting other measures, no contact hence no contraction – seems the remedy  to break it , to weaken it and ultimately  finish it  but the question is would   all do it religiously   together ?

Outbreak  of COVID  pandemic has shaken the entire world , of course, intensity , degree and losses vary in quantum and over the factor of period of time .  We  not only  “saw’’ it last year but what it meant too – was borne by us by suspending  daily activities and more or less,  getting confined to the four   walls of our homes , an experience for the first time  . Nevertheless,  we  saw something  special which none of the  countries    experienced  –  the churning of political milk  even  out of the pandemic  by most of the opposition political parties  which instead of suggesting , advising and helping the government in fighting the grave challenge  did its obverse. We also saw the fantastic and wonderful devotion to the cause of treating the sick  in Hospitals  by our Doctors and Para-  medical staff , laboratory professionals , ambulance  crew and the like  who created a  special niche for themselves  in the hearts of the  beholden  Indians.  We saw how our Police personnel  who not only  were  present on roads, streets, lanes , chowks  and everywhere  maintaining vigil and enforcing lockdown guidelines but even helping the needy in whatever way possible   and delivering  the required things  even right at their homes.  We saw our Municipal workers doing a praiseworthy job and performing duties with devotion. We saw the Prime Minister in full control of and monitoring the situation  on day to day basis. We saw how in such an adversity  , whatever  India  could afford to spare , it did and gave to   as many   as 55 countries  worst hit with  COVID  pandemic  the much effective Hydroxychloroquine  tablets  and other support  which worked wonders in lessening the impact of the infection on the patients.

After virtually the curve of infections having almost flattened, stress on vaccination was seen more manifest in the efforts of the government  and by the time two of the vaccines were ready for use and even before that, during which period lot of developments were made known , our many opposition political leaders tried to underestimate the efficacy of the vaccines and tried to spread misinformation to the extent of canards . Individual  political  leaders and their comments  on vaccines – making a mention thereof in these lines   –  would be  only  space  consuming as most of the people  fully know but it will be a futile exercise to call them upon to go in for a remorse , if not  anything else. That “Indians were not guinea  pigs to be tested for the vaccines”  and the vaccines  “would turn people impotent” and these are  “the  BJP vaccines “, “very risky vaccine”, “never safe” , “I will not allow in my state”  like  statements created  a scenario of utter consternation  among the people leading to vaccination   hesitancy  even to the extent that  some ‘’brave ones’’ volunteering for getting a jab had to do it on open camera  to generate hope and shun inhibitions .   How astonishing and  surprising does it look that with the same intensity as opposing the vaccines , these leaders were  now raising a great hullabaloo  for ”government’s failure to procure enough doses of vaccine”   and most of the states complaining of   “not enough  stocks  with them.“

The political  “adventurism “  can be seen   in as many as 13 opposition parties feeling  the urgency  to tell  the central government to launch a “free   mass  vaccination drive   across the country “ . The leaders included Sonia Gandhi, Deve Gowda, Sharad Pawar, Uddhav Thakery, Mamta Banerjee, Hemant Soren, MK Stalin, Mayawati Ji, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Akhilesh Yadav, Tejasvi Yadav  as also  D. Raja  and Sitaram Yechury . The letter coincided  with  the day of Bengal election results  for obvious reasons . To a political analyst , the letter appears to be conveying more than its contents  that  the hibernated  and dormant “Maha Ghatbandhan “ had received new oxygen from the Bengal poll results   not for fighting corona  united(ly)  but for fighting  the known  target , the obvious  target . It had  also  willy-nilly conveyed that the future “combined” opposition front had become a  possibility , if not a reality with the outcome of Bengal results – for trying political luck at the hustings  in 2024.

Again, on May 12 another letter by 12 opposition leaders to the PM   sought  suspension  of Central Vista Revamp Project   and repealing of three reformative farm laws as “measures to fight the corona- virus”. Now,  anyone  sincerely analysing  the letter would find  it being more in  cheap  political colours than   containing  any grain  of concrete and valuable suggestion to fight the current catastrophe, an invisible  war. One fails to understand  that  even  under these most trying moments faced by the country ,politics is preferred than extending any sort of concrete support to and cooperation with  the government in fighting  the devouring      pandemic. How was stopping of work on Central Vista going in helping fighting the pandemic  is beyond comprehension. If it was going to do anything immediately was snatching the livelihood of hundreds of workers engaged in the project and how come “traditional supporters and sympathisers” of workers afford to send them home to face hunger and hardships ? Or, how could  in anyway,  repealing progressive and innovative Farm Laws help fight  the pandemic – can better be known to such political leaders .

Did these leaders not see  “ farmers’ agitation”  openly disregarding COVID precautionary protocol of maintaining  distance and wearing masks  which silently  worked to a greater extent,  in the spread of the infection in the states  adjoining the ‘’centre’’ of the sit-in- protest,    now going on for months  –  more for political than agricultural agenda. The travesty is  that when the gravest challenge to the very survival of life was apparently there with deaths  of precious   lives  and  economic   losses    taking   places daily   because of the fresh horrendous   COVID wave , farmers’ leaders were keen to keep the unwarranted  protest  pot boiling as was seen recently in Hissar when the CM of Haryana  inaugurated a   500  bedded  COVID Hospital .  Reports of some  “farmers” clashing  with the police,  breaking the barricades and trying to gherao the CM amidst deaths and destruction caused by the pandemic ,  is hard to comprehend .  MSP payment of Rs. 8200 crore has been recently credited  direct into the farmers’ account under DBT  in Punjab as payment  by  Union Ministry and this has happened for the first time. Wheat procurement under the MSP is currently in full swing in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh belying the farmers uncalled for apprehensions on MSP and thus putting to speculations the intent of  the ongoing agitation.

There was need to note that as many as 17.35 crore people have been vaccinated as per latest reports in India –no mean achievement. The production of vaccines is going  up beyond imagination . Oxygen demand shot up suddenly and unexpectedly but health being the state subject , no perceptible  contribution has any  state all these years been making towards increasing oxygen plants where not much of investment was needed.  Still, oxygen was managed from all possible sources. No government in the world can manage the number of COVID patients as India is managing which speaks  about the phenomenal job done by the government but yes, the people are succumbing to the virus but instead of fighting, showing one another down, playing political games, spreading hopelessness and pessimism , let all join as one  and lend support to the government wholeheartedly in fighting the pandemic and finishing it . And , let us all BREAK the chain of the virus and of negativity  and thus save the precious lives. We will emerge victorious as we are a nation of resilience  and  courage.