‘Let us know the fact’

Swami Ram Swarup Ji, Yogacharya

Fundamental law of universe is this that until knowledge is given by somebody, it cannot be attained by aspirant. Until the said law is faithfully, respectfully, impartially, devotionally and firmly understood by the whole world, peace cannot be maintained. Because how can we condemn the fundamental, unchangeable laws. In this connection, Learned Metterlic in his book “The Great Secret”, has written “ Let us once give ear to Rigved, most authentic echo of the most immortal traditions, Let us note how it appreciates the formidable problem.”
Describing the time of final destruction of universe, when present creation did not exist, Metterlic states- “There was neither Being nor Non-Being. There was neither atmosphere nor heavens above the atmosphere.
What moved and whither? And in whose care? There were no waters and seas. There was then neither death nor immortality.”
In this connection, he quotes Rigved mantra 10/129/1,2. Actually, the said mantra also further describes that during the final destruction of universe, the whole world remains unseen in the shape of unseen non-alive matter Prakriti.
Therefore no matter exists for pleasure/comfort during that time of final destruction of universe.
At that time, there was no existence of minutest atom of water. The universe did not exist. Therefore at that time there was no appearance /look of day and night as was the process in previous universe.
However, during that time, there exists an alive matter Who does not need any necessity like air etc., to live upon i.e., He exists due to His self-existence. And you see He is Almighty, formless God and apart from Him, there was nothing.
Mantra 3 further briefs that there exists also an invisible, unknown partless/divisionless non-alive matter called Prakriti from which God creates universe.
From the above description, one can conclude that during the time of final destruction, there exists Almighty, formless God and non-alive matter Prakriti. Rigved also adds that at that time immortal knowledge of Vedas exists within God as usual and the same is enough to be used to create the universe.
It is again emphasised that there was no death because there was no life, as the death is only possible if there is life.
When the time of final destruction comes to an end and Almighty God starts creation. He creates all beings like man-woman, space, sun, moon, earth, water, flora and fauna etc., from non-alive matter, Prakriti. In this connection, Kapil Muni also states in Sankhya Shastra sutra 1/26 – basically there are three kinds of non-alive matters i.e., Satva Gunn, Rajo gunn and Tamogunn. When the said three matters remain idle i.e., do not function then this stage of matter is called prakriti. Yajurved mantra 23/54 and Yajurved mantra 31/3 state that when fraction of alive power of Almighty God acts in non-alive matter Prakriti then the movement starts in non-alive Prakriti and the first result of creation in the shape of “Mahat” comes out. Mahat means intellect. From Mahat- “ahankar”, from ahankar –five tanmaatra and five sense organs like eye, nose, ear, tongue, skin and five organs of action like hands, mouth, legs and two organs of excretion are created. (Sankhya Shastra Sutra 1/26 refers).
Thus, body of man and woman and other living beings are created by God. From the said statement, it is clear that bodies, organs of living beings are made from non-alive matter, Prakriti. Therefore, human-beings donot take birth from alive mother and father. So, the creation that starts just after final destruction is called non-sexual creation i.e., without parents. Vedas state that when the whole creation is completed from non-alive matter, Prakriti then
“Tat Srishtva Tadevanupravishat…..” i.e., Almighty God enters every minutest part of creation and then only every part of universe, i.e., living beings, sun, moon, earth, air, water etc., start functioning. Said all unlimited matters created by only one God are for the use of all living beings impartially.
Actually, God is only (Nimit Upadaan Karann) efficient cause of creation whereas Prakriti is Upadaan Karann (material from which anything is prepared).
The age of the present creation is about One Arab, Ninety six crore, eight lakh, fifty three thousand and one hundred and seventeen years. Present sects, Sadhu-sant mat etc., have originated within two thousand to two thousand five hundred years ago. It means at the time of creation God creates the human-beings and not any type of caste-system and sects etc. As a newly born baby remains ignorant and when the baby is given knowledge from mother, father and teacher, he becomes learned. Similarly, at the time of creation when men and women were created they all were also ignorant. In this connection,
Rigved mantra 10/108/1, Yajurved mantra 31/7, Samved mantra 388 and again Yajurved mantra 40/8 states- “Yatha Tathya Arthan Shashvateebhya Samaabhya” that God showers mercy on human-beings to educate and civilize them. He originates the knowledge of four Vedas from Him into the heart of four Rishis without paper, pen, writing or uttering etc., as He is empowered to do the same, being Almighty. Rishis, further spread the same in human-beings traditionally.
In this way, human-beings become learned i.e., God gives the knowledge of Vedas and human-beings attain. In this connection, Yog Shastra sutra 1/26 also states that God is immortal and He, in the beginning of every creation, gives the knowledge of Vedas to the four Rishis and becomes the guru of four Rishis. As God creates air, sun, moon, earth, food etc., for all human-beings so is the knowledge of four Vedas which is equally applicable to all human-beings.
Study of Vedas concludes that all our ancient Rishis and Munis realised the said truth and stressed fact that Almighty God is the only
creator of the entire universe. He was one, is one and will ever remain one as the commander of this universe. Vedas state neither there was any one equivalent to God nor exists in the present and never would be born in the future (Yajurved mantra 27/36 refers). He creates humanity and not specific nationalities and communities. God even never gave birth to caste-system. No scripture/sect or holy book says that God made races to fight each other. How God Who nurses us and is like our father would ask his children to fight each other meaninglessly. There, in this matter of faith, every nation can realise from their holy books that International brotherhood is a truth and is eternal fact.
All religions teach unity and universal brotherhood. It is most unfortunate that in the name of religion war and militancy has infested the world. Religion never teaches to spread ravages of hatred. All religious holy books of every sect are to be gone through and in this manner the eternal voice of Almighty God in the shape of four Vedas may also be gone through by all human-beings to realise the fact. Vedas educate about three educations i.e., Rigved – Gyan kand, Yajurved- Karam kand, Samved- Upasana kand Knowledge – science etc(Gyan) in Rigved.
At the time of every creation, knowledge of four Vedas emanates directly from God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis in non-sexual creation. In the said process, first of all, the knowledge of Rigved advents and originates in the heart of Rishi Agni. In this Ved though the description of every worldly matter right from straw to God has been mentioned but it speaks especially about matters concerning science of the world. God has described qualities/nature of all materialistic articles of the universe. Therefore, the entire mankind must get the benefit of eternal knowledge of Vedas. The meaning of “Ric” is that wherein the qualities and nature of all matters have been described and the meaning of Veda is knowledge i.e., true knowledge. These words are used in making the pious word “Rigved”.
In Yajurved, the form of true, pious deeds have been preached.
So, in the absence of listening of Yajurved, we can’t know about real moral duties of students, married persons, vanprasthis and sanyasis. Even the moral and social obligations of King, parents, children etc., can’t be known.
In Samved there is preach about eternal true worship of God like Yajyen, name jaap, practice of Ashtang yoga by following which an aspirant realises God/attains salvation.
So, Almighty God is formless, creates, nurses, destroys and again creates universe. This process is eternal and everlasting. So, at the time of beginning of each non-sexual creation, the knowledge of above four Vedas emanates directly from God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis.
The knowledge is given by the God to the human-beings for their welfare/benefit because until the knowledge is given by somebody, no one can attain the knowledge. In the beginning of the creation, no preacher, guru, acharya, teacher is present there to teach. So, God gives the knowledge, to be followed by all human-beings to destroy their sins, bad effect of deeds and sorrows and thus to attain salvation and international brotherhood should be promoted as mentioned in all holy books of all sects.