Let women live for their dreams

Diksha Dogra
Women, no doubt are stronger than Men. There are places where we still considered them as a Trophy. If won, place them at home only. If got rusted, keep them in store. We are forgetting the fact that its women and only women who gave birth to us. No one can give birth if there are no women but still they are not well treated in this society.
If man can fulfil his all dreams then why women need permission for doing the same. Why she need to bow down and beg for every single thing? If she is unmarried, she has to ask her parents if she can do this or not? If she can live her life or not that too will get decided by her family or relatives. All the goodies will be there in family but for men not for women. When somehow she managed to take first step towards her dream, our society will force her to get married without any consent if she really wants to get married or not. Even these days marriage also seems to be a deal between parents. If you are willing to pay enough money to her would be In-Laws, then there is 1% chance that your daughter will be happy(slightly 1%). Once married, now you have to take permission from your husband first then your In-laws and there comes flood of taunting. Why she has to sacrifice every single thing since childhood to prove that she is right and innocent. If man has to do anything, he will not bother to take permission from anywhere (neither parents nor in-laws). If by any chance a girl has got supportive parents then her husband and In-laws will play the role of perfect criminal in her life. In her journey from childhood to marriage where is her life?
It’s women not men who has to leave her parents, her family, her friends everything to make her husband feel safe that she is only his trophy now. And if at any point of life she decided to take her stand, society will kill her with their taunts. It’s not like only men are there in society. What actually surprised me is that even women are after women. Who is society? How they can decide what a women should do. People who make this shitty society forget that they have got their own family too. How it will look if others will do same with their family, with their daughters. I know this will definitely kill them. This is how others and their families suffer when we keep on talking about them, when we keep on interfering in their lives.
Before marriage, relatives will not let her live and after marriage In-laws want her to live according to them. Who will come and ask her what your dream is? What you want to do in your life? Have you ever lived life on your own terms? When it comes to sacrifices, women are considered first and when it comes to live life on our own terms, men will be considered. Visit any old age home; most parents will be there because of their sons. No women can do this to her parents. Doesn’t matter if she is married or not, she loves her parents unconditionally. She can love anyone but give her a chance to live and fly. God has given her wings and we are no one to cut them off. We being parents, husband, in- laws should accept the fact that society will never encourage you. They will always demean you. Now you have to decide if you want to be a part of that shitty society or your family. Support your women. Let her grow. Let her shine. We need them at all levels, including the top. They have got that power inside them which can change the world. We all can work together and live together. Encourage your daughter, your wife, to live fearlessly. It’s not about getting superior to men. It’s all about equality which comes from raising them equally. We all talk about empowering women but in real Women are already empowered.
I rose up my voice – not to shout but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot succeed when half of us are held back. Remember- Each time a woman stand for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Now my biggest question is why do we even listen to them? Why their nonsense create so much impact in our minds? We are here in this life to live it fully not to spoil it for any XYZ person or society. If we will bring that people in front they won’t be able to survive because they have done nothing in their life except interfering. You are the creator of your life. Create it beautifully. Let people say what they want to. When they can talk about God who is the creator of all of us then who we are. Live your life and dreams.