Lets Decode China

Inderjeet Sambyal
“If you win, you need not have to explain…If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”? Adolf Hitler
The above said words of the world’s most barbaric dictator are being adopted nowadays by some ruthless world leaders. The unfortunate year of 2020 is keeping its nastiness upheld and this time the globe is at war. If we draw a conclusion from all the media around us, it can be easily surmised that the world is at the brink of 3rd world war or the battle has already begun.Virus hit countries are already in pain and now the wicked states are unveiling their true colours by being mindlessly barbaric through military actions. Whether it’s North Korea, Turkey, China, Pakistan, Nepal or Palestine all are attacking their adversaries in these horrific times. India is a peaceful country having all the insolent nations as its neighbours.
INDO-PAK- Pakistan has been a perpetual threat since its partition from India and has fought many wars against us. It uses the weapons of terrorism and diplomacy to defy India. Recently two Pakistani high commission officials who were posted in Delhi were thrown out of India on the charges of espionage and to revenge the act, the terrorist nation started harassing Indian high commission officials posted in Islamabad by following them on cheap bikes and detaining Indian personnel on fake charges. Reports suggest that Indian officials were tormented for hours and even made to drink dirty water. Along with such despicable acts, the neighbour is keeping its terrorist activities intact.
INDO-NEPAL-Nepal, the Hindu state on the northern side, has also opened fire and killed an Indian civilian. The peaceful nation has changed its foreign policies towards India and its allies, they are now becoming a puppet in the hands of the Chinese and breaking their ties with India and USA like powerful countries. Nepal is also plummeting into the debt trap of the Chinese Government just like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and helping the dragon in achieving their goal to encompass India from all the sides. Nepal started acting funny when the Chinese ambassador started getting involved in the local Nepalese Politics to fulfil the Chinese agendas and as a result, Nepal started claiming 3 Indian territories situated in the State of Uttarakhand (Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura). Nepal was one of our oldest companions in the area whose citizens are spread throughout India and many are even enrolled in the Indian Armed Forces, they jeopardized all this just to form a new alliance with their communist neighbour.
SINO-INDIA-China, another tyrant country of the east and unfortunately our neighbour who is the source of the deadly virus who has crippled the whole planet has crossed all the limits on the Indian borders. The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) has been engaging in border issues with India at the Sikkim and Ladakh frontier along the LAC since the past few days. A consensus was reached by both the counterparts to solve the issue through high level diplomatic and military talks but the agreement was violated by the Chinese side as their only aim is to divert the world’s attention from its role in covid-19 and by peace, their purpose would be defeated, so they carried out military actions on the Indian personnel. They repeated their backstabbing act of 1962 after many decades. Reports suggest that around 20 Indian Army soldiers and 43 from the Chinese side have lost lives.
India-China War: “India is by far the more experienced and battle-hardened side, having fought a series of limited and low-intensity conflicts in its recent past. China, on the other hand, has not experienced the crucible of combat since its conflict with Vietnam in 1979.
An India-China war today is far different from that was fought in 1962. Conventional wisdom has it that China holds a massive military advantage over India, but recent studies from the Belfer Center at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Boston and the Center for a New American Security in Washington suggest that India maintains an edge in high-altitude mountainous warfare over China.No one expects the fresh clashes to explode into nuclear war, but the fact that both China and India have become nuclear powers since their previous conflict cannot be overlooked when evaluating the balance of power. Data released by the (SIRPI) assess that China has roughly 320 nuclear warheads – more than double India’s 150. Both nations have seen their armouries grow in the past years. Both nuclear-armed nations maintain a triad of delivery systems – missiles, bombers and submarines. Both nations have also vowed to a “no first use” policy, however, meaning they’ve pledged only to use nuclear arms in retaliation to a nuclear attack on their Country. India has about 270 fighters and 68 ground-attack aircraft which New Delhi can use to counter China according to a study published in March by the Belfer Centre. India also maintains a series of small air bases near the Chinese border from which it can stage and supply those aircraft, the Belfer study claimed.China, by contrast, has 157 fighters and a small fleet of ground-attack drones in the region. The PLAAF uses eight bases in the region, but most of those are civilian airfields at challenging altitudes, the study suggests.Meanwhile, India has developed these bases in the region with China in mind, according to an October 2019 report from the Centre for a New American Security. “To weather a potential People’s Liberation Army (PLA) attack, India has placed greater emphasis on infrastructure hardening; base resiliency; redundant command, control, and communications systems; and improved air defence,” the report claims.The Belfer study indicated that China, facing perceived intimidations from the US on its eastern and southern flanks, has boosted its bases there and neglected near the Indian border, leaving at least four PLA airbases exposed.”Indian destruction or incapacitation of some of the four above airbases would further increase these PLAAF operational inflexibilities and weaknesses,” it claims.
The Belfer report gives the edge to India’s air force in one other area. “Recent conflicts with Pakistan give the current IAF a level of institutional experience in actual networked. While India has the experience in the air, the CNAS report says it is also extremely well trained on the ground, battling in places like Kashmir and in encounters along its border with Pakistan.”India is by far the more experienced and battle-hardened side, having fought a series of limited and low-intensity conflicts in its recent past,” the CNAS report says. “The PLA, on the other hand, has not experienced the crucible of combat since its conflict with Vietnam in 1979.”That month-long border war, driven by China in reaction to Vietnam’s military intercession in Cambodia, is largely considered a defeat for China. Belfer estimates there are about 225,000 Indian ground forces in the region, as well as 200,000 to 230,000 Chinese. The figures may be confusing. Counted among those PLA forces are units assigned to keep down any chance of rebellion in Xinjiang or Tibet, or deal with any possible friction along China’s border with Russia.Moving them to the Indian front in the event of large-scale clashes presents a logistical dilemma, as Indian airstrikes could target high-speed rail lines on the Tibetan plateau or choke points in the rugged terrain near the border. The CNAS report adds that those Indian troops operate in rough terrain in steep valleys and can’t be easily deployed to counter transgressions that any Chinese aggression might make. In short, the Indian troops too could be vulnerable to Chinese artillery and missile attacks on choke points in the mountains.Those attacks could come by Chinese artillery or missiles placed on the Tibetan plateau, which in some cases look right down on Indian border posts, the CNAS report says. But the issue is whether, in the event of large-scale battle, China has sufficient missiles to take out all the targets it would need to hit in India.The Belfer study quotes the evaluations of a former Indian Air Force officer, who predicts that China would need 220 ballistic missiles to knock out one Indian airfield for a day. With only 1,000 to 1,200 missiles available for the task, China would quickly run out of missiles to shut down India’s airfields, it says.
Indian Air Force Deploys Su-30 MKI, Apache Helicopters In Forward Bases In Ladakh. India has been insisting on restoration of status quo ante in all areas of eastern Ladakh to restore peace and tranquillity in the region. As PM Narendera Modi had taken a very tough stand against China in national and international level,and by understanding the tunes of time,The Chinese Army is removing tents and moving back from certain areas of the Galwan Valley, in a first sign of disengagement of troops from the area.They said disengagement of the Chinese troops has started as per an agreement between the Corps Commanders of the two sides. The Chinese Army is seen removing similar movement of vehicles of the Chinese Army is seen at Gogra Hot Spring area, the sources said.The Indian and Chinese armies are locked in a bitter standoff in multiple locations in eastern Ladakh for the last seven weeks.As PM Narendra Modi says that Era of expansionism is over and that the Indian soldiers have demonstrated to the world the country’s strength by displaying their fire and fury.Any attempts of misadventure of transgressing the Indian territory would not be tolerated. He asserted bravery was a prerequisite for peace and that the weak could never accomplish it.He says India’s commitment to peace should not be seen as a weakness, by invoking Lord Krishna,”we are the same people who pray to the flute playing lord Krishna,but we are the also those who idolise the same lord Krishna who carries the Sudarshan chakra.