Let’s question legitimacy of separatism

Bashir Assad
The people of Kashmir have suffered, and continue to suffer, due to the turmoil of last 29 years.
The sufferings are unending, and the goals are nowhere in sight.
The right to protest must be respected. At the same time ability to re-assess, criticize and question political institutions is a fundamental principle of democratic progress. But why muffle your discourse with stones?For decades, Kashmir has continuously and consistently been on the path of agitation. This path has bred violence since 1989. Every individual has suffered. Every household has a tale of sorrow and grief.
We lost our dear ones. We could not evolve as a progressive society. Huge economic and material losses hampered our growth. We could not even match the pace of development seen in the other two regions of the J&K state.
A handful of upper-class elites thrived and amassed wealth during the decades of conflict. The poverty of the larger society is striking.
We now see that the politics of confrontation has served the interests of only a few. Those owing their allegiance to either of the two contending political camps of separation and mainstream flourished.
The politics of confrontation has also served the double dealers.
It has consistently served the interests of the separatist leaders who are playing with the emotions of the people, and flourishing on shahadat.
Kashmir has a huge army of orphans, widows and destitutes. Who cares for them?
Our sisters and daughters who are the victims of the ongoing violence were even forced to compromise their modesty, because there was nobody to look after them or their families.
Billions of rupees are pumped into Kashmir in the name of orphans and widows. The money goes into the pockets of a few, who built their castles.
Huge economic and material losses
Official estimates of the JK Government reveal that in 2016, Jammu and Kashmir suffered losses to the tune of over Rs 16,000 crore during the five-month long unrest in the Kashmir Valley.
The figures could be multiplied by 29 years, for the 29 years of unrest in Kashmir. The losses were caused due to halt of economic activity in Kashmir, coupled with loss of property worth crores of rupees.
What about the incalculable loss suffered by lakhs of people in terms of their livelihood? The labours, the street vendors, people associated with the tourism sector, agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts and handloom industry – all have paid a high cost for the ongoing conflict which has marked Kashmir.
Conflict economy sustains violence
All families in Kashmir have suffered the searing pain of losing their family members or children to the conflict.
Wailing mothers, crying sisters, disturbed children, huge mourning processions, youngsters pelting stones, torching schools and other public properties, attacking police stations and security force installations.
Retaliations. Provocations. More killings. More wailing. More mourning. Strike. Shutdown. Hartal. And the cycle goes on.
The self-styled leaders certify the shahadat, and so justify the use of force from the other side.
They keep on thriving, we continue being killed. They keep on hoodwinking us, we conveniently continue to be hoodwinked. They keep on inciting us by invoking the past but they never talk about the future.
They give us false hopes by slogans such as ‘Abhi nahin to kabhi nahin’.
They don’t want to look towards the existing ground realities. They do not want us to come out of the imagined and idealistic perceptions. Nor do they have any idea of how to minimize the losses and maximize the possibilities for some practicable gains. They know only one thing: Get the people killed, and stay relevant.
*What have we achieved*
Is there any progress on what the Separatists call the ‘core issue’?
Is anybody from the international community supporting this cause?
Is violence accepted as a means to achieve an end? Seperatist leaders seized the moment of rampant confusion, disparate interests and violent insecurity. With this, they claim to have constructed a “movement”.
Why haven’t the separatist leaders sat at the negotiating table? Is the purpose not to find a solution? Or, do they fear that professions built on coercion and manipulation will collapse?
Who has suffered, and who is suffering because of these self-inflicting, non-negotiable narratives?
We should de-sanctify the holy status that we have handed over to the separatists by never making them accountable and answerable.
We abuse and accuse the regional mainstream political spectrum constantly.
Many will agree that they deserve our wrath. They have not been able to keep their promises. They are corrupt. They are irresponsible. They too provoke us to make their political fortunes.
But it is time to ask the separatists some direct questions. How long you will ask us for sacrifices? What have you achieved?
Are you not answerable to the people? Are you not responsible for the immense miseries being inflicted upon the Kashmir society and economy by the politics of agitation and confrontation?
Last but not the least, can you give us the details of the wealth you have amassed during these conflict years?
The truth is that the separatists could not give a roadmap. They put the entire population of Kashmir on one single road. The road that leads to the graveyard.
The separatists could not show us the path that could lead us to a bright future. They could not even secure life for us.
Time to think and respond
Though late, it is time to think. And decide on the following issues:
*The politics of agitation and confrontation has failed. It must be revisited. No society can survive in a permanent state of confrontation.
*The universal principle of resolution through reconciliation is the only way forward.
Let us rationalize our goals, and seek their resolution through the legitimate politics of reconciliation.
Let us make friends who can help us in ending the stalemate.
Let us choose the path of ‘Live and Let Live’. Let us be in harmony. Let us not harm. Let us not hate. Let us not hesitate in speaking the truth.
How will we achieve all this?
The political spectrum of Jammu and Kashmir has two major camps. One, doing note-bank politics. The other, doing vote-bank politics.
One doing politics on human bodies for notes. Other doing the same thing for votes.
The political figures of J&K have self-imposed or sponsored limitations. They don’t have the courage to tell the truth. And hence they will not give us any alternate, practicable roadmaps. This political economy of violence has multiple traders, merchants and dealers. It sustains because we don’t question it. The Separatists impose violence on us. We accept it. The mainstream political parties impose fiefdom on us. We abide by it. Electoral politics has been reduced to family affairs. We don’t question it.
Separatists put us on the path of war. The mainstream goes on a killing spree. We become the cannon fodder.
Let us stop playing into their hands.
Let us build new narratives
Let us build new political narratives based on rationale and logic.
If separation of Kashmir from India is not possible, separation of Jammu from Kashmir is equally impossible.
If we are destined to be together, let us demolish the walls of hatred, and build the bridges of love and harmony.
Let us have a common agenda. Let us identify the areas of common interest.
Let us not hegemonize politics, let us harmonize it.
Let us not cast aspersions, let us have faith.
Let us set the goals we can achieve.
Let us not religionize politics. Let us not regionalize it.
Let us reinforce our efforts in rebuilding the state.
Let us not be stooges and slaves. Let us not be embedded in history. Let us look towards the future. Let us strive for a better Jammu and Kashmir.
Let us question the legitimacy of separatism. Let us question the legitimacy of the illegitimate politics of the mainstream.
Let us do politics where we have a say, and where we have stakes. Let us have a collective leadership where ambitions are rationalized, where rights are respected and duties fulfilled.
Let us have a society where the marginalized feel empowered. Where women and children are safe.
Where there is no bloodshed Where there is no room for sponsors of death and destruction.
Where everything is indigenous. Where there is tolerance for the ideologies of others. Where adversaries are not killed but respected. Let us preserve and protect our unique identity and culture. Let us assimilate, not subjugate.