LIC employees protest against Agriculture bills, amendments in Labour Laws

LIC employees protesting on Wednesday.
LIC employees protesting on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 23: Employees of LIC of India in Jammu & Kashmir under the banner of NZIEA Srinagar Division, held massive demonstration at LIC office Jammu showing solidarity to all India protest by Central Trade Unions against the anti workers and anti farmers policies of the NDA Govt.
During the demonstration, which was organized on the call of All India Insurance Employees’ Association, the protesting employees raised slogans against the NDA Government and its policies.
Speaking on the occasion, Comrade Pawan Gupta ,Divisional Secretary NZIEA Srinagar Division, strongly condemned and opposed the three labour codes- – Code on Industrial Relation, Social Security, and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).
In the Industrial Relation Code, he said, Government has allowed companies having up to 300 workers to fire people or close units without prior approval of the Government. And companies having more than 300 workers need to apply for approval, but if authorities do not respond to their request then it will be deemed approved.
Besides, the IR Code introduces more conditions restricting the rights of workers to strike. As per the code, strike condition has been applied to all industries. It also discourages flash strikes. The protesting LIC employees said that it will lead to social and economic unrest and take away both job security and wage security.
Regarding the three Agriculture Bills passed in both the Houses of the Parliament, Pawan Gupta said that these bills will lead to destruction of the farmers and promote privatization in the agriculture sector. There shall be no limit in keeping the stock that will lead to black-marketing, hoarding and inflation; and also the items like onion, cereals, grains etc will be out of the list of essential commodities. Com Pawann Gupta strongly opposed the agenda of the NDA Government of wholesale, privatization of Railways, Defense, Steel, Electricity, BSNL, Banks, GIC, Agriculture, Ports, Mines, Space, and now LIC.
He strongly opposed the move of the Govt to sell a part of the stake of LIC by bringing IPO in LIC. He resolved and appealed to one and all to continue struggle and campaign against IPO in LIC.
Others who spoke on the occasion, included Com Raj Kumar Sharma, Treasurer Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Vice President, Neelam Sharma-Women convener, Rajesh Kumar, Raj Kumar, Nanak Chand and Kishore Lal.