Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 15: LIC employees of Jammu and Kashmir under the banner of Northern Zone Insurance Employees’ Association held demonstration here to support all India protest day, which was being observed today by Central Trade Unions like INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, AICCTU, UTUC AND LPF to show solidarity with the striking employees of defense production workers, who are on nationwide strike against anti national privatization move of the NDA Government and against anti people deceptive budget 2018-19.
The decision was taken in the joint meeting of CTUs held at Delhi on February 22. The meeting expressed indignation and strongly condemned the Government of the day for their intensified attack on the lives and livelihood of the people and seriously compromising the national interest.
Speaking on the occasion of demonstration, Divisional Secretary NZIEA Srinagar Division, Pawan Gupta said that attack on working class centering on dismantling labour laws designed to completely casualise employment conditions through various routes like amending Contract Labour Act, introducing Fixed Term Employment etc has assumed aggressive height. Further it is noted that the Government is out to erase the public sector from the industrial map of the country, he added.
“Specific cases of attack on privatization of railways, opening coal mining to private and foreign companies without any restriction whatsoever, mass scale privatization as well as destruction of defense production network through widespread outsourcing, thereby dismantling the almost half of the ordinance factories are some of the examples of the gross anti-people and anti-national actions of the Government”, he said, adding that accumulation of huge non-performing assets of the public sector banks arising out of pilferage of bank-funds by deliberately defaulting private corporate coupled with recent explosion of frauds with bank fund engineered by the same corporate class is also a reflection of the anti-national act of the Government indulging and patronizing the same big-business class.
LIC employees condemned the economic policies of the Government and urged upon the working class to fight unitedly against these anti people policies.
Among others, who spoke were Romesh Chand, Joint Secretary, Raj Kumar Sharma Treasurer, Dinesh Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Neelam Sharma, Rekha Rani, JD Singh, Priya Sharma, Alkiya Sharma, etc.