Life ……… a rigmarole !

Life is a very complicated file…one cant describe it one way or the other. It is subjective to every individual…his very own experiences of how life treats him in his life span,showers benevolence or malevolence upon him. That is what makes you form your opinion about it .. Only your own view how you see life based on your personal experiences , good or bad. Life is so vast…so large with multiple dimensions. It contains the whole universe in it. How can we describe it or judge it by our minuscule vision. Life has filled the pages and pages of literature , classics, theology but still no one can claim to really understand it or fully been able to unfold its mystery. There is something mystical and eternal about it- eternal because life is constantly moving, never stopping even for a moment.what is that mystique? We don’t know because it is obscure. It is something latent…hidden behind the curtain of fate,we cant see-through. Now, what is fate?Do we all share the same fate?? In the  hierarchy of life fate does not treat every human being equally. You are first or last on the ladder of happiness ln life depending upon karma’s greatly of your last birth. Now fate just like life has myriad faces and infinite dimensions … each dimension is beyond the comprehension of mankind. All this is a kind of rigmarole . Life And fate are two sides of a coin,entwined and moving hand in hand . Fate can juggle your life from rags to riches and also vice-a versa.  For example Mody, and why Mody because he is the hot shot these days…may be a great visionary as he has been called but could he envision becoming our prime minister from a mere tea vendor? Could Bharty  the comedy queen, who commands the laughter of  millions imagine , she would rise as a TV artist literally from gutter to glitterati??therefore, readers in respect to that life is unpredictable. We all go through different experiences in life . Some say life is your choice – certainly not! It is not of your choosing ; it is thrust upon you with the label of a fate and i say what is a fate? Scriptures Identify fate with  your karmas of last birth. Funny isn’t it, who knows or even remembers ones last janma ?? No there is no tangible and real proof of it! Lot of discussions, discourses, arguments and counter arguments have taken place on the subject for centuries,even so,logically! In the heat of it all one tends to resign and accept it as gospel truth. yes! But ,with a  pinch of salt of a perpetual doubt lurking at the back of your mind. Present life or janma  and its karma’s one can understand; the punishment of your sins or crimes in your present life is acceptable but how does one justify the suffering due to last janma’s karma’s you know nothing about? The contraption of your mind is not yet so enabled as to see your last and next life There is hope only If by some uncanny process a biological mutation takes place in the computer of your mind empowering it to see your past life, of course,only to the extent of knowing your karmas  while your emotional relationships remain under cloud so that there is non of that  uprush of emotions and affections for them.
This will put the arguments about your present life becoming chaotic due to that to rest.We dare to think impossible..don’t we?? Its not so simple as that. If the life was as simple , as the four letter words denote, no one would have written about it and made it a subject of great contemplation, it remains true that life is very intriguing, and mystical so the philosophers and intelligentsia have filled pages and pages of their study about life -just their own view ,for life is a very subjective experience. Its apparent simplicity and the experiences of those who have tasted both thick and thin of life embellish life as a character that is remarkable, and in this extraordinary context life in itself is a paradox. In my words ,I would like to describe L..I..F..E as a limitless  intense file of experiences.
Life is not only human prerogative… It belongs to the whole universe.There Is life in insects, animals, birds , in the sea, in plants in fact all around us- different dimensions of life. Why one is insect,and other is a bird,so on and so forth is a mystery ,here again the theory of karma’s and dear fate butts in – very confusing!! Life is a full circle, in spite of trying so hard to unfold it. You come back to the same point where you started .So , dear  friends , let us enjoy life as it comes- do our good karma’s and go with the flow .
Zindgi  ik razz hai ik Gehra mazboon hai,
Ise na Chherho yehi behter hai insaan ke liye,
Doob gayi hain barhi hastiyan iski gahraion me,
Iske aagosh me mast rahna hi behtar hai insaan ke lliye!