Life certificate pensioners

Apropos the news item “Furnish life certificate…etc (DE, 17 October) the Government has drafted the format of the certificate which the pensioners are asked to fill and submit in the month of November. It asks for attestation by a Gazetted Officer at two places, one at life certification and the other at non-employment certification. As far life attestation by a Gazetted Officer is concerned, it is all right.
However, how can any Gazetted Officer of any rank and at any place certify that the pensioner in question is not in receipt of any remuneration for service in an establishment of the Central/State Government, undertaking from Local Fund during the past 12 months. No responsible and conscientious Gazetted Officer will attest a certification like that because he is not supposed to mount surveillance on private movements and activities of a pensioner. This certification is ridiculous; instead of making drawl of pension easier, it will create more hurdles on the pensioner. There are definite rules saying that if a pensioner earns from any other source, he h as to declare it to the authorities. At best he should be asked for self attestation, which in other words means he himself is responsible for any irregularity. The government should immediately scrap the column for Gazetted Officer’s certification.
Yours etc…
Madanlal Ganjoo