Life sentence awarded to rtd army man in Dilshan murder case

CHENNAI, Apr 20: A Fast Track Court here today awarded life imprisonment to retired Army Officer Ramaraj in the sensational teenager Dilshan murder case.
Delivering the verdict in the packed court hall, Fifth Fast Track Court Judge Radha said the prosecution had proved the case beyond any doubt.
Thirtten-year-old Dilshan was shot dead on July 3 last year when he entered the high-security Army residential quarters by scaling the compound wall to pluck almonds.
The judge said 58-year-old retired Lt Col Kandaswamy Ramraj, a native of Madurai, was convicted and sentenced to life under Sec 302 (murder) and Sec 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence) of IPC, and imposed a fine of Rs 50,000.
The judge also found Ramraj guilty under two sections of Arms Act and awarded him three years and one year jail term respectively, besides a fine of Rs 10,000.
All the sentences would run concurrently, the judge said and directed that Rs 50,000 of the fine amount should be given to Dilshan’s parents.(UNI)