Lifestyle and Fertility Issues

Dr Richa Sharma & Dr Amit Basnotra
It’s a common saying that we beget of what we do in Life !
Same is happening in today’s time as too much of interference with nature by human activities has resulted into compensation in form of deterioration of health-mental,physical,reproductive etc.Its high time to keep a check on all we do and respect our nature and keep our environment clean and healthy and bless coming generations with a healthy and quality life and relieve them of all poisons and toxins mixed in air we breathe and water and other ingradients we consume.Lets Pledge to make Earth A HEAVEN in this birth only.
To enlighten our readers hereby we are sharing few thoughts as all starts with awareness and correct approach.Its not something new but actually what we all know already but not accepting it due to X-Y-Z fears and hesitations.
Our bodies evolved to be ‘in tune’ with their environment. This connection is vital for reproduction, as birth of the young must coincide with plentiful food, and thus a high chance of survival. Most mammals are therefore ‘seasonal breeders’ and switch their sexual behaviour and fertility on and off, guided by the amount of daylight (photoperiod), but influenced also by other factors, such as energy intake/balance (that is, availability of food) Although humans are not ‘seasonal breeders’ — we show sexual behaviour and reproduce all year round — our fertility is influenced profoundly by our environment, including season and food intake.
An increasing number of reports suggest that chemical and physical agents in the environment, introduced and spread by human activity, may affect male fertility in humans. Humans are exposed to many environmental agents that may be hazardous to their reproductive capacity of both males and females
Common culprits -Need A check Right Now-Its Now or Never !!
Environment, lifestyle and infertility — its an inter-generational issue
The effects of adult lifestyle — primarily smoking and diet in women, and sedentary habits generally — are important factors affecting the fertility of men and women, and can also impact the fertility of their children.
Substances with potentially harmful effects on reproductive health are present in water, air, soil, dust, food, and consumer products. Individuals may encounter these toxicants in the home, community, school, or workplace.
Toxicants enter the body in one or more of three ways: inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through the skin. After entering the body, toxicants are distributed to various tissues and subject to metabolism and excretion. Toxicants, or their metabolites, travel to target organs, such as the thyroid, ovaries, or testes, where they exert biological effects.
For eg.
Chemical: Lead
Sources: Metals
Effects: Decreased semen quality, increased time to pregnancy, and spontaneous abortion.
Chemical: Hexachlorobenzene
Sources: Pesticides, fungicide
Effect on males-
Male reproductive function is known to be highly sensitive to many chemicals and physical agents generated by industrial or agricultural Such agents are commonly present in some occupational activities and in the general environment.
Environmental hazards to male reproductive function were revealed 30 years ago, when pesticide manufacturers and agricultural workers in contact with the nematocide, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP), suffered from severely impaired spermatogenesis, leading to infertility . Due to the widespread use of such chemicals, and their potential for leakage into the environment, they constitute a putative hazard to male fertility.
Effects: Development abnormalities of the male reproductive tract, increased the risk of spontaneous abortion
Effect on Females
Reproductive toxins may contribute to a spectrum of adverse effects on reproductive health. These effects include menstrual irregularities, early or delayed puberty, infertility, subfertility, early pregnancy loss, fetal death, impaired fetal growth, low birthweight, premature birth, and structural (e.g., cardiac defect) or functional (e.g., learning disability) birth defects.
Conclusion- Act Now and Save your fertility by protecting environment.
(The authors are Senior IVF Consultant Delhi and Senior Gastroentrologist Delhi)