Little little but important …… Things.

Radha Nagpal
When you set your eyes on this heading , I am sure it will stoke your curiosity impelling you to read what is it all about? Brace your self readers ,for it is not going to amaze you nor what you are going to read is a trash! All it will do is please you for, you already know it and you feel the same way as I do; and also wish it to happen.  It is just a humble reminder so you can enact these little little important things until these become a habit,and an integral part of your daily life -disciplining and smoothing it out of the wide spread disarray in all fronts of your civic life. This experience wont be without its reward.
To begin with, It is about not speeding past a person who is reversing his car out from his home and giving  him a fright soaring his heart beats, god! dangerously high. Rule demands that you slow down and not cause a flurry of unnecessary commotion on the road by screeching the wheels to stop.It is about  not obstructing the left side traffic at a red light stop when you have to go straight.You May be very callous about it and act in defiance of the traffic rules. But you must know dear friends, that it will trigger many adverse reactions. You must be ready to receive the choicest expletives of abuse with  hoots and blaring honks trailing you from behind, certainly  not a very happy situation for a respectable and educated person.your natural impulse is to retaliate even though you are in the wrong,but soon thinking in the quietude of your mind realization of your act of omission will dawn  on you. There are innumerable other  examples of little little imp. Things That need mention here-just think how matadors stop to pick up ‘swaries’ by stopping it right at the crossing and at all the wrong places , blocking right of way of the commuters ,creating nuisance and putting the traffic to a jeopardy. Dear Citizens! who will stop this malpractice ??Only us the commuters ,no one else !put your foot down; don’t board it at a wrong place; stand at a strategic place made for its stop . Also don’t allow them  to speed up while plying on residential roads,inevitably, leading to serious accidents – a sad spectre of our roads almost daily. Its not only Matadors causing chaos,there are scooters, bikes,autos,always racing unmindfully as if practicing for a racing event .They are past masters in juggling all the zigzag crevices between the cars and zoom past you in a flourish, leaving the other commuters shocked and concerned for their own and their vehicles safety. all these acrobatics by the two wheelers can,and do lead to serious accidents. From a lenient point one may view it as their indulging in youthful  skirmishes but legally,it is breaking the law.
This is not all ! There is another front to be tackled. It is about venders who choose any and every place;put their rehri’s there making it a squatters right.One can see a  long row of rerhi’s mushrooming on the pavement along the full length of Bahuplaza market, which is meant for pedestrians,allowed to prosper there,selling all sorts of  goodies to eat.
This ,not only makes the posh market of Bahuplaza start looking shabby but is also given to traffic jams on account of people stopping by for eating chaat  golguppa’s etc. cars parked haphazardly, and a slough of  dona’s,papers and other clutter littered all over the place . Who is going to set it right? You at once think of Municipality, yes! but not without the help of the citizens.It is as much our duty to be mindful of keeping the place clean. Strict adherence to hygiene and cleanliness norms must be conveyed to vendors in polite firmness. How can one ignore the echo of modi’s favorite slogan of ‘Swatch Bharat resounding in the atmosphere all the time ?? With this echo a fresh vision of mody himself holding the broom with others – some with glum faces, comes to the fore, putting us to shame.
Now, another small but important issue is a bit complicated
It Is about our menfolk, though, I am sure they are not to be blamed…because, this malaise,as it goes is born in our soil and our men have grown up with it. If Govt. had taken care and built  wash rooms at all convenient places men certainly wouldn’t have soiled the walls of any available building with their ‘water of life’ ( in the nomenclature of Morarji Desai ) . Things are no better though, even now. Perhaps, in the hierarchy of important  things this reform doesn’t occupy priority place ,for no concerted effort is visible in this direction.
Last,but not the least, this small matter is very crucial. It hurts our religious sentiments. An immediate action should be taken in this direction. Strange though, it seems that it has not caught the notice of our leaders, intelligentsia even the clerics for that matter, of freely printing the pictures of our Gods on anything and every thing like on papers, covers of incense,and other objects,calendars, marriage, and mundan cards etc etc .  Which, sadly,find their home in the bin after their use. the tedious exercise of ‘go and pravah ‘this surplus of cards , covers , calenders  papers etc etc every now and then  in the river is not possible.Again the ignorance and the casual out look to life in our country speaks for itself ;in our excessive  religious fervour the consequence of  what may happen to this freely printed excess escapes our mind.
The problem with our Indian flock is that their reflexes to duty towards the country are very callous and slow .we  pretty much understand our rights but sense of duty escapes us.  We need to give a fillip to our reflexes body and mind. One very sure way of achieving that is a rigorous two years army training for our youth. This will  brush up their sense of duty , fitness and patriotic feelings.
Vatan ka karz hai tum par yeh zindagani,
Banado isse tum chaman ki zinda nishani!
Shahhon me shahanshah he yeh vatan tumara
Isse jannt banado yehi farz – e- vatan he tumara!