Live in peace and harmony

A  State that has no resources even to disburse wages to its employees, suffers a loss of 4,000-crores every year for meeting its requirement of electric power alone and is totally dependent upon the Central Government for meeting its total annual budgetary requirement of crores of rupees every year,  yet the Kashmir’s leadership clamours for Autonomy , Self Rule or even Independence.
For an ordinary common citizen of the country it is difficult to understand the reason that compels Kashmir’s oft called ‘secular’, section of the populace to violently demand freedom from central rule even at the cost of thousands of innocent lives. Although, some of the so called intellectuals, human rights protectionists, misplaced writers even some media persons at the national level have shown their sympathies with the cause, yet none of them, have justified the demand and given valid reasons for breaking away from the country. The only reason given is that since a sizable section of the population especially in the Valley is asking for breaking away, the demand should be met on humanitarian grounds. Yes, a small section of the people led by violent anti-India protagonists,  openly call for joining Pakistan which is a Muslim state and therefore, Muslim majority state of India must accede to a Muslim country.  All the main stream parties i.e. NC, PDP etc call themselves totally democratic and secular yet they call for Autonomy or self rule without giving any plausible reason for it except for preservation  Kashmiri ethos which they forgot when lacs of Kashmiri Pandits were forced out of the valley and whom they have not been able to send back even after 25-years. And what have all these separatists brought in for a common Kashmiri? Only death and destruction and ruining of future of thousands of young peace loving people.
Now imagine if a country allows its disintegration on the demand of a small section of the people in a state on the basis of religion what will be the end result in a country like India which houses almost all religions of the world that too in a sizable number. The entire country will break and disintegrate. That is true for every country in the world today. No sensible or even nonsense leadership of a nation will allow it to happen at any cost, whatever the cost.
This is something what separatist Kashmiri leadership has got to understand and stop destroying the lives and careers of their young upcoming generations. Instead a matured and wise leadership should come forward and impress upon the separatist forces and the Kashmiri leadership to see reason and live in peace and harmony with all others in and around them to bring back the glory of ‘heaven on earth’ which people from all over the world yearn to see and enjoy.
Yours etc…
Vikram Gour