Living life in a better way

Er. B M Kohli
Living a life is like enjoying it.  Mostly  you spend more time on thinking about it rather than actually living it and dissecting problems and day dreaming  what you would have done otherwise when we compare with others. Mostly for elders who have lived their prime period, the manner they live their  life is very important  and, much more in  the period,  when they become dependants financially or otherwise. The matters could be different  for those who have excess for living sources or feel  satisfied in the core of their heart  but 80 to 85 % people, falling  in this category, need management to  live their lives .   Most important is that everybody has his own stars and no two persons are similar in luck  nor they have the similar cycle of events so comparing also become useless which we do very often. Even if by chance they have similar profession, their fate will be poles apart.
Important  in  life is  to love your self first  and    think of others only when it is essential and always stop being jealous of someone else’s  success  and   that  should  not be any  reason to hate yourself or feel elevated due to others  failures.  Sometimes, feeling lonely  may be a reason /reflection of how you feel while analysing your living ,but  you can  opt to find a company of your choice to make better of your time . For the world to love you and respect, you need to love  and respect  yourself  too and  have company who loves you. The habit of thinking of others or comparing with others  is required to be changed although it is difficult  a process and amounts to changing altogether the pattern of your such mind set.  While in business sometime your tricks fail to convince the  customers and you feel hurt. There too you have to try to convince yourself with positivity as far as possible  and stop hating   others because that will hurt  you as well. If you feel  tense, it is probably because you’re unprepared for something or  you’re over thinking everything.  Maybe you’re unsure of something and expected or expecting something  on   your own terms and conditions. Be sure that nature is not going to change its course and will not run as per your expectations  but you have to learn to adjust yourself as per the given circumstances. Time is or has never been anybody’s slave.  I met a  friend who looked worried as the things were not working out as per his choice at that particular time . Actually with the turn of events, he failed to get his assignments  completed in  expected period and started thinking as if he suffered a loss  which was as a result of less turnover  in that particular financial year. Few days after, I heard that he remained  hospitalised for about one  month due to disturbed mind. As a matter of fact, to live life in tension , anger and hate in your heart is also like hurting yourself and it hurts you more than the people you hate.
In such conditions  also you need to  try to improve yourself.  I will suggest you one formula which a spiritual man suggested a few days back  in one of his discourses . Just try to think what I did today and how much better I would have  done otherwise.  This is, you may call it, an introspection within yourself  and by this we can improve our life  and live our life  in a better way. Loving yourself is like loving the creator  who controls everything in the world and controls all the happenings with you and for the people around you and all over the world. For improving your living need is also felt to stop focusing on your negative aspects and concentrate  on the one  you’re good at. We’re all human and all of us have our own flaws and good sides, may it be seen by others or not. But again be truthful while assessing your flaws because you alone can bring change in your life . Here too, by only acknowledging the negative side, you’re forgetting the wonderful side that can actually be shared with others. Never think that life is a piece of cake only but otherwise also, what is life without spices ?  Along with the good times  there have to be bad phases of life  and we are not the choosers.  Consider,  you aren’t the only one who feels miserable with your life. Life isn’t unfair only to you. So the decision to change your life and understand how to live and love yourself still lies in your own hands.. Always remember that change begins and ends with you and your determination. Why not to try to live our lives happily by accepting all happenings as the will of God since it amounts to lowering the intensity of the effects  and will really help this planet to become   a space of love and peace. Love and happiness comes from within, and unless you’re ready to respect yourself for the positive person that you are, you’ll have a hard time loving yourself or getting any love from the world.