LMD intensifies market checking

Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, Mar 9: Acting on the frequent complaints of overcharging and on the direction of Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Sanjeev Verma, the Department of Legal Metrology on the eve of Maha Shivratri conducted extensive checking of traders dealing with selling of meat and fish in Janipur, Newplot, Bantalab and Muthi areas.
A team led by Joint Controller Amar Singh & Deputy Controller enforcement Manoj Prabhakar conducted checking of more than 20 establishments & 4 traders were booked by Inspector Pooja for deceiving consumers by way of overcharging & for manuplating with weighing instruments for delivering less to the consumers. All the traders were booked  under the provisions of Weights & Measures Act and the deceptive instruments were seized.The team directed the traders to charge consumers as per the rate fixed by the authorities otherwise strict action will be initiated against the defaulters.