Local employees sidelined by UT Admn: Ch Lal Singh

Cong candidate Ch. Lal Singh addressing large public rally at Ramnagar on Tuesday.
Cong candidate Ch. Lal Singh addressing large public rally at Ramnagar on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, Apr 2: Two times MP from Udhampur Lok Sabha constituency and former Health Minister in J&K, Ch Lal Singh has alleged that local employees including senior officers have been sidelined by the UT Administration in the Jammu and Kashmir.
While addressing series of public meetings at Jaganoo, Ritti, Kuh Nallah, Kaghote and Ramnagar today, Congress candidate Ch Lal Singh attacked the present regime of step motherly treatment to the local employees and sheer nepotism where only blue-eyed are being given lucrative positions at the cast of the local potential. All the strategic positions have been occupied by the outsiders and the local employees are being treated as second fiddle, Ch. Lal Singh alleged.
He further said that Government is totally in financial mess and failed to give the due arrears to the employees in general and employees of Higher Education Department in particular. Government has been quite indifferent and insensitive to the issues of daily wagers, SPOs, NYCs etc. He promised one and all present that once voted to power, he will fight all these genuine issues in the Parliament.
Lal Singh further lambasted the BJP-led Government for its failure to curb inflation and unemployment, and alleged that this government has disappointed every section of the society. He said if voted to power he will look into the issues of the local employees, the daily wagers and contractual workers.
Congress candidate said that after genuine and burning issues of the people are being ignored by the BJP while religious and other communal sentiments of the people are being exploited for the vote bank. He said Congress believes in the brotherhood and communal harmony in the country while BJP only tries to create wedge in the society.
Former Minister Harsh Dev Singh also addressed the gathering at Ramnagar and said that there was neither any vision, nor any plan to create new jobs during the last ten years by the BJP Govt which has disturbed the youth of the area. He sought support of the people for the alliance candidate-Ch Lal Singh.