Local languages under threat

In the present scenario, every parent is interested in sending his child to English medium and Convent schools, as a result of which most of  children are losing interest in not only local languages such as Dogri, Urdu but also our national language Hindi. However, English is our official language. New generation feels more interested towards the catchy western culture, prefer Hollywood over Bollywood. It has led to their disinterest for Dogri, Urdu and Hindi as well. They have developed a mindset that English is more superior than Hindi. But the fact is that we are losing our heritage. Today, most of the children of Jammu are unable to speak Dogri. Although they could understand Dogri, Jammu is a land of brave Dogras and Dogri is our real identity. If we forget it, then India will forget our identity. I am not against English. I am also in favour of learning English but not at the cost of our local languages. It has become the  need of hour for Jammuites to teach their children Hindi, Urdu and Dogri with equal interest they are showing for English.
Yours etc…
Abhishek Jandial
On e-mail