Locals putting their lives at risk to cross Gabbar nallah

Villagers putting their lives at risk to cross Gabbar nallah, which has no bridge.
Villagers putting their lives at risk to cross Gabbar nallah, which has no bridge.

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, July 31: Three villages in Panchayat Gabbar area of Rajouri district are yet to get a link with mainland due to which the locals in order to reach their respective destinations have no other option but to cross Gabbar nallah by putting their lives at risk.
Despite repeated pleas of the locals to construct a foot bridge, District administration paid no heed to provide these people a safe link so that they don’t have to put their lives at risk.
In the rainy season locals are seen carrying children and elderly people on their shoulders to help them to cross the river.
“With no foot bridge in their area, we are forced to cross the mighty nallah with bags on our heads,” said a student of villages, adding that people have been suffering due to lack of proper connectivity in the area.
“We are forced to live the life which our parents used to live as there is no change here in terms of roads, medical facilities. Since decades, neither our elected representatives nor previous Governments or district administration took stock of our plights,” said the locals.
The villagers further added that they were waiting for the construction of a bridge over the nallah but nothing has been done so far. “Due to the absence of bridge many people have migrated from the villages towards other places.
The area has a population of more than 5000 who are suffering in the absence of a proper connectivity. It would be far easy for the people to cross over the nallah if a bridge is constructed over it, said the locals and requested Lt Governor J&K to take cognizance of their plea and direct the district administration to construct a bridge over the Gabbar nallah so that the people of the adjoining areas heave a sigh of relief.