Locked in a row

Srinagar Development Authority and Director Local Bodies are locked in a row over construction and development of the summer capital. The former claims that an area of 416 square miles falls in the jurisdiction of SDA (2000-2021). The SDA in its notice issued last month asked people to seek permission from the Authority for any construction activity in the 416 square kilometre area of Greater Srinagar. But this notification has been challenged by the Director of Local Bodies, Kashmir, S A Laharwal. He has questioned the authority of SDA in intervening in the construction activities in the Municipality areas. In a letter addressed to the Vice Chairman of the SDA Laharwal has asked VC SDA to direct his field staff not to intervene in the construction activities falling within the territorial jurisdiction of Municipal institutions of Kashmir?  This has given rise to a legal fight between the two agencies both of them aiming at the development of the summer capital. The Director Local Bodies has raised many legal issues in support of his claim that the SDA has no jurisdiction to intervene in the functioning of the municipal committees. It appears that this problem will escalate and either the Government or a court of law will define the jurisdiction of respective organizations/departments.
Srinagar is an old city and its complexion does not betray any sign of a modern and planned city. The Srinagar Development Authority is conscious of this drawback and perhaps it intends that any new constructions coming up should not be in a haphazard manner. There should be some order and basic rules of town planning should be observed. The fact is that during past two decades thousands of structures have come up in the city and its suburban areas all without necessary permission from either the municipality or the SDA. People have violated the rules and nobody has taken any action against them. It is also opined by many circles that we should have a twin-capital city in Kashmir meaning a twin-city of Srinagar, a new township all on modern lines and adjacent to the old city. Srinagar as the world famous tourist city must be a new city with new environs and new life.