London’s assessment of unauthorized rally in Moscow not objective – Russian Embassy

MOSCOW, July 30: The United Kingdom was not objective in its assessment of the situation around the recent unauthorized rally in Moscow, the spokesperson of the Russian Embassy in London told journalists on Sunday.
On Sunday, the UK Foreign Office expressed concerns over the detention of participants of an unauthorized rally in Moscow with a reference to Russia’s obligations under international human rights law. Yet, no such statements were issued in regard to numerous violent dispersal of protests in France and Germany.
“It is our understanding that our British colleagues have made no attempt to objectively assess the situation. In this regard we would like to point out that the rally in Moscow city centre was illegal. The people detained in its course committed a number of offences. We would also like to remind the UK authorities that all citizens, with no exception, are equal before the law, the spokesperson said when asked to comment on the statement.
On Saturday, an unauthorized rally was initiated in the Russian capital by candidates who ran short of valid signatures required for admittance to run for the Moscow city legislature elections. Protesters rallied along the Tverskaya Street, some of them fired pepper spray and threw bottles on the law enforcement officers. A total of 1,074 people were detained for various offenses following the events.
Last week, French police fired tear gas and detained 198 people as soccer fans took to the streets in Paris and other cities to celebrate Algeria’s victory in the African Cup final. For months earlier, the Yellow Vests protesters were brutally confronted all across France.
Germany, in turn, has seen a series of anti-immigrant rallies and counterprotests since the country’s declared its open-arms policy of admitting immigrants and refugees from the Middle East, North Africa and other parts of the world. Thousands of people, including far-right radicals, took to the streets and engaged in public unrest. Hundreds have been detained and dozens injured as police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse them.