Lone dares PDP to move court over Assembly dissolution

‘NC leaders have amassed huge property abroad’

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 23 People’s Conference (PC) chairman and former Minister, Sajjad Gani Lone, today challenged People’s Democratic Party (PDP) to knock the doors of the court over the dissolution of State Legislative Assembly.
Lone, while addressing a press conference here, said that PC staked the claim as it had numbers. He said that even after having the numbers “we accepted the decision taken by the Governor Satya Pal Malik to dissolve the State Legislative Assembly”.
Lashing out at PDP for staking claim to form the Government, Lone said that the PDP was not serious to form the Government and the party was lying to the people. “The alliance they claimed to form to protect Article 35A and 370 was a blatant lie. I want to ask them to at least stop lying to the people. This alliance was to be formed as the parties believe that Jammu and Kashmir is their heritage and they won’t allow any other party to form the Government,” he said. Click here to watch video
He said that the Coalition Government they were making was with Congress who eroded the special status 95 times and made amendments for at least 52 times. “I am not any angel but they (NC and PDP) are also not any angels,” he said.
Lone said that if PDP was aggrieved over the decision taken by the Government then “I challenge them to knock the doors of court. I believe they will get justice there and we will be more than glad to prove our numbers on the floor of the Assembly.”
Asked why PC didn’t stake the claim in last five months, Lone said that they didn’t get the numbers all of a sudden but the numbers were increasing. “The numbers are increasing and I can’t disallow the members to stop coming to my home,” he said.
He said after the Assembly was dissolved, the media houses were running news like PROs of those parties. “I also urged them to stop acting like PROs of these parties,” he said, adding that the rigging in 1987 has brought guns to the Valley, which is still present here.
Asked about the insurgency operations, Lone said that gun doesn’t listen anyone’s language and once there is a gun and there will be a gun towards the gun. Asked about Article 370, the PC chairman said that it is sacred for them.
Lone further said that the PC has emerged as an alternative to the traditional politics of exploitation and misrule practiced by the twin-family political monopoly that has used political blackmail and expedient ideological ambiguity to deprive the State of peace and prosperity.
He said that the caravan of change growing with every passing day as the entry of significant names was expected in the coming time. “We are a party that believes in the politics of change, transparency and humility. We are going to contest the elections to the Parliament and the State Legislative Assembly with an earnest desire to rescue the State and its institutions from the clutches of two corrupt, arrogant and disconnected political families,” who have exploited the people of this State for their own personal political empowerment. The people deserve a change and that change cannot be delivered without a massive reorientation in the State’s politics. The emergence of PC as a viable, strong and stable alternative is that reorientation,” he said.
The PC chairman said that the party if comes in power has the strategy to end the corruption.
Lone also welcomed the former PDP leader Imran Ansari into the party fold. He said that Ansari’s formal entry into the party would provide a big boost to the party’s mission of freeing the State from the clutches of a “corrupt, ineffective and patristic political monopoly” that has wreaked havoc in the State’s peace, prosperity and has traditionally based its politics on a systematic, tactical disempowerment of the people. He further said that he will introduce some new faces too.
Ansari on the occasion said that National Conference (NC) has looted the people of the State for last 50 years of rule in Jammu and Kashmir. He asked how a teacher from Soura, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah managed the property NC has at present. “Sheikh Abdullah’s son has a house in London, France, Gurgaon and at other places. How National Conference (NC) managed the property. How did NC manage from rags to riches,” he asked.
He further said that NC has looted the public money since the 50 years of their rule. “Sheikh Abdullah, resident of Soura, was a teacher but since that time, the party has managed to get the houses, buildings and what not,” he said, adding that it was the party who could have done horse-trading to form the dispensation as they have money.