Lone, Sagar, Altaf, recall contribution of Sheri-e-Kashmir for welfare of State

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 9: Recalling the contribution of Sheri-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah for the cause of the people of the State, Speaker Legislative Assembly Mohammad Akbar Lone, on Saturday said it was Sheikh Abdullah who ushered the new era of development where under, healthcare, education and public welfare in the State registered focused attention.
He was addressing a large public gathering in Haritar Sangrama. The Speaker said that Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah are striving hard to realize the dream of Naya Kashmir and bring the Jammu and Kashmir to new height of development and progress.
Minister for Rural Development, Law and Parliament Affairs, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Minister for Forest, Mian Altaf Ahmad, and Minister of State for R & B Javeed Ahmad Dar were also present on the occasion.
Speaker said that several development programmes have been launched in the State which have yielded good result but there is need to monitor the execution of these schemes at the ground level.
Minister for Rural Development, Law and Parliamentary Affairs while referring to the land mark initiatives under taken by the Government, said that it is due to the efforts of the Chief Minister that the peace was restored in the State and now the parties who were preaching separatism are now raising the issues of the public interest which is a healthy sign.
Terming the putting in place a vibrant Panchyati Raj System as water shed in the history of the State, Mr. Sagar said “we have ensured that effective decentralization of powers is ensured by way of passing the requisite orders to this effect and also directions down the line to ensure the same.”
“Now the opposition party is frustrated on seeing the democratic decentralization and is trying to mislead people by false propaganda and lies”, he maintained, adding that the people are smart enough to understand the mechanization of the party which has always mislead the people of the State.
Minister for Forest said that several welfare schemes have been launched in the State with the aim to improve the living standard of the people and focus is being given to strengthen the existing infrastructure in every sector. He said employment opportunities have been generated for educated unemployed youth also during last three years.
Minister of State for R&B said that Coalition Government has taken several steps for the welfare and development of the people of the State, adding that government is committed to upgrade the basic amenities and thrust is being laid to further improve health care facilities, education, road connectivity, power, drinking water and civic amenities particularly to uncovered and un attended areas.