Loot of Waqaf properties

We have the Waqaf Act of 2001 according to which land belonging to Waqaf has to be retrieved and those in its possession have to be evicted. Waqaf has vast properties all over the State. Waqaf Trust manages its administration. Questions were asked in the Legislative Council about certain grave irregularities in the administrative sphere of the institution. It was reported that prime Waqaf land was allotted/sold to blue-eyed boys in prestigious Gandhi Nagar and below Gumat in Van Bhavan. It was a case of favoritism. The House saw a heated debate on the subject and some members brought the allegation that rent from tenants were pending since long time. Intervening in the debate the Minister for Waqaf said that 2509 kanal of Waqf land was under the occupation of various departments/ agencies and individuals in the State. He also briefly mentioned what activities of social welfare the Waqaf was running as per the mandate of the Trust.
We appreciate the decision of the Chairman Legislative Council ordering constituting of a House Committee to probe into the allegations of misdeeds in the Waqaf like allocating/selling prime land in Gandhi Nagar and Gumat and bring out the truth about it. The Panel will also make suggestions about stemming the corrupt practices and how to retrieve the assets illegally fallen in various hands. Now, that the House Committee is in place the cases of irregularities will be taken up by it and suggestion made so that in future such irregularities do not occur once again.
Waqaf Trust is a powerful and resourceful institution in the State deeply connected with works of social welfare. It has lofty ideals and agenda of providing support and succor to the needy and strengthening the social order by providing schools, dispensaries, scholarships, medical assistance, food, provisions and other necessaries of life to the needy. It manages graveyards and shrines etc. and can be called the premier philanthropic organization in the State. Interestingly, its assets and properties are spread in all parts of the State. In view of this we expect the Waqaf to be very fair and just and transparent in its activities and not to disappoint the masses of people by doing things that bring defamation to the staff and the organization.