Hemant Dharmat
In the beginning, it was darkness all over. Bright sunshine and the starry nights were unknown. Sun, Moon, planets including earth and the stars which glimmer at night did not exist. One could not sense the directions. There was no trace of water, fire and even air in the fathomless empty space. There were no sounds, no sensation and in absence of any signs of life, it was desolation all around. Nothing could be discerned except the ‘Tadsadbramah’- the great ‘Satav’ – that yogis for-ever experience within the innermost recesses of their hearts. This ‘Satav’- the transcendent Truth is not the subject matter of thought, mind, or intellect. Devoid of all known specifications like complexion, shape and form; neither it is gross, nor subtle nor casual and neither gigantic nor dwarf. It can neither swell nor, it is prone to diminution. It’s pure Self. The ‘Shruti’ – the revealed law in great wonderment exclaims, ‘It is!’ – reflecting merely upon its existence. Beyond that it is unable to give any specific description of that unknowable paramount God. At the time of creation, the hitherto One formless ‘Parbramah’ whom the exalted saints and sages as per their individual wisdom describe as self-manifested, eternal, boundless, and Supreme Soul, expressed the desire for its second and resolved to assume numerous forms. Hence ‘sarv gun sampann’ Lord Shiva – the celestial form with matchless grandeur evolved from within Him. Sadashiv created Shakti viz. the mother-nature – the all-powerful ‘Parashakti’ by splitting Himself into Shiv- the ‘Parampurusha’ and Shakti- the Mother-nature. This spectacular female deity also known as Supreme Goddess and Mother of the Trinity has eight arms holding varied weapons and armaments. Despite being the only one, She assumes numerous forms at Her own volition.
Thereafter from the left part of his body, Sambshiv produced an extremely handsome purusha’ who was dispassionate, self-possessed and having preponderance of ‘satavguna’. Bestowed with the qualities of immense gravity and forgiveness, no comparison could be drawn of Him. His luster had the likeness of ‘Inderneel’ sapphire radiating elegance from different parts of His body. He was awesomely dressed with golden-yellow silk apparel. That invincible brave soul looked graceful with his mighty arms. After paying obeisance to Lord Shiva, He asked, “Decide upon my name O Lord! Also advise me of the role I have to play”. ‘Pinakdhari’ Shiva replied, “All-pervading that you are, you would be known as Vishnu. Besides you would have several other attributes. You may undergo resolute penance, for austerities alone enable one to accomplish all the undertakings” (Shiv Puran Chapter-6). Then Lord Shiva imparted the knowledge of the Vedas to Bhagwan Vishnu and vanished along-with Shakti. Years after, a formless ‘Akar-roop’ seed emanated from within the Lingam of Sada Shiv – Who Himself is the seed, the sower and the Yoni. The seed when placed in the ‘Ukar-roop’ organ of generation, fructified into an ever expanding celestial egg with golden exterior of supernatural brilliance. After one thousand years, the primordial egg spreading throughout the space broke into two parts with a stroke of Lord Shiva. Although the upper part is stated as ‘Dhiulok’ and the lower as the planet earth, yet it appears to allude to the formation of galaxies of positive matter and those presumed to be made up of negative matter, the theory propounded of late by scientists.
Thereafter Lord Vishnu underwent severe penance for countless ages. As a result, currents of some subtle fluid streamed forth from all parts of His body that filled the entire space. Hindu scriptures mistook the fluid emanating from His body as water, which the scientists postulate as ‘non-luminous dark matter saturating the space’.
Thereafter Lord Narayan reclined on water (dark matter). An ascetic who was fortunate to have His vision, opined that Lord Vishnu who is seen resting on a ‘Sheshnag’ with thousand heads in His images is not an enormous live snake but consists of light and energy that keeps the galaxies and the countless stars with its magnetic force in place. This also explains the notion of earth being supported on one of the heads of Sheshnaga. In due course, all the twenty four fundamental ‘tatva’ constituting the whole universe were manifested by Lord Vishnu. As He fell into deep slumber, a yellow hued lotus of infinite size with countless umbilical cords, shining with the glare of several hundred Suns emerged from the latter’s navel. Then Lord Shiva manifested Lord Brahma from the right part of His body and transferred him into one of the navel strings. It so appeared as if Lord Brahma had originated from within Lord Vishnu’s navel. The ‘Hiranyagharba’- Lord Brahma had four faces and his body texture was red.
Brahmaji collected some water (dark matter) in his palm and tossed it upwards. A colossal egg with universal dimensions, which constituted of all the 24 ‘tatva’ was formed. As it was inanimate, Lord Brahma prayed before Lord Vishnu for 12 long years to infuse life into it. At Lord Brahma’s request, when Lord Vishnu entered the celestial egg, the latter had thousands of heads, arms and legs pervading it from end to end.
Thereafter Brahmaji commenced evolution of the universe. The first creation that came into existence abounded in sins, albeit without his intention. The second creation consisted of vegetation, shrubs and trees. It was followed by the creation of insects, mammals, birds and animals. Then the Lord created ‘bhootgan’. He created his four manasputras viz. Sanak, Sannandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar who were dispassionate and devoid of any attachment. They refused to participate in the process of creation despite much persuasion by Brahmaji. The latter was overtaken by delusion out of sheer anger. As he went into deep meditation, Lord Shiva emerged from his third eye. Brahmaji prayed before SadaShiv entreating Him to create such human beings who may continually live under the fear of birth and death. But Shivji refused to create the species that may live in misery owing to the continuing cycle of births and deaths advising Brahmaji to himself undertake the onerous act. Sada Shiv revealed that He would on the contrary assume Guru’s role to bestow Gyan to human beings for attaining emancipation. Then Lord Shiva created Rudrgan and vanished from the scene with them.
Lord Brahma created several Rishis and Munis namely Marichi, Brighu, Angira, Pulah, Pulastya, Vashisht, Kratu, Atri, Daksh and Narad from different parts of his body. Besides he created the righteous religions. He also created countless Devtas, manes, yakshas, gandharvas, fairies, devils and demons etc. Finally Brahmaji split himself into two parts viz. a young man and a woman. This couple gave birth to the first two normal human beings one male and another female. The Male became famous as Manu while the female was known as Shatrupa. Manu married Shatrupa and the latter gave birth to two sons-Priyavrat and Uttanpaad besides three daughters- Aakuti, Devhuti, and Prasuti who were given in wedlock to Prajapati Ruchi, Kardam Rishi and Prajapati Daksh respectively. Daksh and Prasuti had 24 daughters out of which 12 were married to various Rishi’s and Muni’s created by Lord Brahma, whereas 13 were married to Dharma. This is how the human race is known to have come into existence. This species has great passion for pleasures and love-life and is the only one to have been endowed with the ability to rise above the mundane existence. The detailed description of the evolution of universe appears with slight variations in Shiv Puran as well as Bhagwat Puran.