Loss to Rlys

According to the spokesman of the Northern Railways, Kashmir Railways have lost nearly one crore of rupees on account of suspension of rail service from Banihal to Baramulla. Rail service on 13- kilometers long railway line from Banihal to Baramulla had to be suspended owing to the unrest and disruption of normal life in the valley following the killing of a terrorist commander. The spokesman said that though the railway stations and installations in Srinagar, Budgam and Baramulla districts did not suffer damage, many railway stations in South Kashmir like Panjgam, Malangpora, Pampore and Hillar were damaged by the rowdy mobs. The protesters at Kakapora tried to set the station on fire but the alert security forces dispersed the mob and saved the station from serious damage.
We fail to understand why the leadership that has given call for strike is not sensitive to the fact that damaging the railways and other public services results in hardships to the ordinary people. How is damaging the railway stations going to serve the purpose of the protestors is an intriguing question. If they feel that by destroying the railway stations or damaging the railway line they re inflicting loss on the national exchequer, that part is understandable. But they should also realize how much inconvenience they are causing to hundreds of thousands of commuters by forcing the railways to suspend the service. In addition, thousands of families whose daily income depends on the rail service, the vendors, petty shopkeepers, auto and taxi drivers and others, all are put to great hardship. Responsible separatist leadership could have emphasized on the protesters not to cause damage to public property especially such service as are essential. It is so sad that in a state of emotions, they are not giving right direction to the protesters.