Love and betrayal on Social Media

Irfan Attari Kashmiri
Social media has revolutionized the way people interact with each other, but it has also led to the rise of online scams. One of the most concerning types of online scams is the online boyfriend/girlfriend scam. This type of scam involves individuals who create fake online profiles to lure unsuspecting victims into romantic relationships. These scammers use emotional manipulation and deception to exploit their victims for financial gain.
The online boyfriend/girlfriend scam is becoming increasingly common, and the consequences can be devastating.
How the Scam Works
The online boyfriend/girlfriend scam usually starts with a fake profile on a social media site. These profiles often use attractive photos and a charming persona to lure in potential victims. Once they have established contact with their victim, they will begin to build a relationship with them. This can involve daily messages, phone calls, and video chats.
As the relationship progresses, the scammer will start to make requests for money. These requests can come in the form of small amounts at first, such as money for a phone bill or transportation costs. However, they can quickly escalate to larger amounts, such as requests for money for medical expenses or to help with a business venture.
The scammers will use emotional manipulation to convince their victims to send them money. They may claim that they need the money to come and visit their victims, or that they are in a dire financial situation and need help. They may also use guilt tactics, telling their victims that they are the only ones who can help them.
Once the scammer has received the money, he will often disappear without a trace. And the Victim may find it difficult to track down the scammer, as he often uses fake names and addresses.
The consequences of falling victim to the online boyfriend/girlfriend scam can be devastating. Victims can lose thousands of dollars, and may feel embarrassed or ashamed about being scammed. They may also feel a sense of betrayal, as they have often built a strong emotional connection with the scammer.
In addition to financial loss, victims may also experience emotional trauma. They may feel angry, depressed, or anxious about the experience. They may also struggle to trust others in the future, and may feel hesitant to enter into new relationships.
Protecting Yourself
There are several steps you can take to protect yourself from falling victim to the online boyfriend/girlfriend scam.
Be wary of strangers on social media. If someone you don’t know sends you a friend request or starts messaging you, be cautious. Take time to look at his/her profile and see if it seems legitimate.
Don’t share personal information with strangers. Avoid sharing personal details such as your phone number, address, or financial information with someone you have just met online.
Be skeptical of requests for money. If someone you have just met online asks you for money, be skeptical. Don’t send money to someone you don’t know, no matter how convincing his/her story may seem.
Look out for red flags. If the person you are talking to online starts making grand promises or seems too good to be true, be cautious. Also, be wary if they avoid video chats or in-person meetings.
Use reputedle dating sites. If you are looking for a relationship online, use reputedle dating sites that have a screening process in place to prevent scammers from joining.
Report suspicious activity. If you suspect that someone is trying to scam you online, report the activity to the social media site or dating site where you met them. You can also report the scam to the authorities.
The online boyfriend/girlfriend scam is not limited to any one social media platform. However, the main two social media apps that scammers are using to perpetrate this fraud are Instagram and Snapchat.
Instagram, with its large user base and easy-to-use interface, is a popular platform for scammers to create fake profiles and build relationships with potential victims. Scammers often use attractive photos and charming personalities to lure in victims and build emotional connections.
Snapchat, with its disappearing messages and lack of a paper trail, is another popular platform for scammers to operate on. Scammers can use Snapchat to communicate with victims and send messages that are difficult to trace.
It is important to remember that scammers can operate on any social media platform, and it is essential to be cautious and vigilant when interacting with strangers online. By following the tips outlined in this article and being aware of the red flags associated with online scams, you can protect yourself from falling victim to the dangerous rise of online boyfriend/girlfriend scams on social media
How it can Ruin your Life
The rise of online boyfriend/girlfriend scams on social media is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for those who fall victim to it. While the financial losses can be significant, the emotional toll of being scammed can also be severe. Here’s how online scams can ruin your life:
Financial Losses: The financial losses associated with online scams can be significant. Victims can lose thousands of dollars, which can have a lasting impact on their financial stability. In some cases, victims may even need to declare bankruptcy or take out loans to cover their losses.
Emotional Trauma: Falling victim to an online boyfriend/girlfriend scam can be emotionally traumatizing. Victims may feel a sense of shame, embarrassment, or betrayal. They may also struggle with feelings of anger, depression, or anxiety. The emotional toll of being scammed can last long after the scam is over.
Trust Issues: Victims of online scams may struggle to trust others in the future. They may feel hesitant to enter into new relationships or may be overly suspicious of others’ intentions. This can make it difficult to form meaningful connections with others and can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Reputation Damage: Scammers may use the personal information they have obtained from their victims to damage their reputation. Victims may find that their personal information has been shared online, which can lead to harassment or even identity theft.
Legal Troubles: In some cases, victims of online scams may face legal troubles. For example, they may have unknowingly participated in illegal activities, such as money laundering or fraud. This can have serious legal consequences and can ruin a victim’s life in the long-term.
The rise of online boyfriend/girlfriend scams on social media is a serious issue that can ruin lives. While it can be difficult to protect yourself from scammers, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk. By being vigilant, skeptical, and cautious when interacting with strangers online, you can protect yourself from falling victim to online scams and avoid the devastating consequences that come with them.
( The author is a Social Activist)