LS adjourned for 4th time till 1500 hrs over coalgate

NEW DELHI :  The Lok Sabha today witnessed uproar as  the Opposition led by BJP pressed for clarification over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement on the coal scam, and was adjourned, for the fourth time, till 1500 hrs.
When the House re-assembled at 1400 hrs after three earlier disruptions, Dr Singh made a statement on coal scam as demanded  by the Opposition in the forenoon.
The Prime Minister assured the House that the Government would take all necessary action if it was found after investigations  that the files relating to the scam were missing.
He said the Government was trying all to locate the files, and it would be premature to conclude that these documents had been lost.
The Prime Minister also pointed out that the issue of coal allocation was sub judice and the CBI was carrying out an  investigation.